TMEA Copyright Policy

Updated 3/2024

The following is the TMEA policy for reproduction and distribution of audition and clinic/concert music and recordings.

Copyright-protected materials must not be reproduced and/or distributed without written permission from the copyright holder. This includes any digital methods and formats. It is TMEA’s desire to protect copyrighted music, performances, and recordings of copyrighted material from unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution.

The purchase of copyrighted materials does not imply permission to reproduce or distribute printed music, recordings or digital files of any kind. Permission must be secured from the copyright holder (or their authorized rights representative) for the specific intended use of the materials.

Many copyright owners and their print representatives are familiar with, and willing to accommodate, mass audition and performance material needs, and will often grant permission with reduced or waived fees.

For more information on seeking permission to use copyrighted materials visit:

Without written permission to reproduce and/or distribute copyrighted material (including digital formats), only original production materials may be distributed, used, and must be present in auditions, rehearsals, and performances.