100 Years of TMEA
TMEA celebrated its centennial during the 2019–2020 school year. With stories shared in Southwestern Musician, updates on social media, and special presentations at our 2020 Clinic/Convention, we focused on the power of music education in our lives. In the past 100 years, this association has grown to serve more teachers and students and has become a policy influencer, working to ensure every student has the opportunity to receive a high-quality music education.
TMEA 1920–2020: Read this compilation of stories about our past, published in Southwestern Musician, September 2019–May 2020.
TMEA Anthem: In February 2020, Frank Ticheli gifted TMEA an a cappella anthem in two and four parts. “It All Begins With Music” is based on a theme from Sailing the Sky, the work TMEA commissioned him to write in honor of our association’s centennial. Go to the anthem page to download PDFs of the anthem, arranged for voice, winds, and strings, and listen to VOCES8 in their stunning performance of our anthem during the 2021 TMEA Clinic/Convention.
Our Association Roots
April 21, 1920
Texas Bandmasters Association was formed by seven Texas bandmasters, led by James E. King (on the 86th anniversary of San Jacinto Day—the date of Texas Independence). The focus of this initial group was on administering municipal band contests. Membership dues were $1.00. Pictured above is Waxahachie’s Lone Star Band led by James E. King (1919). Courtesy of Ellis County Museum.
January 1925
The association was chartered under a new name, Texas Band Teachers Association (TBTA), reflecting a greater emphasis on instruction.
February 1936
TBTA members voted during the convention to invite orchestra members and changed the association name to Texas School Band and Orchestra Association.
May 1938
At a special called meeting, TSBOA members voted to include choral directors and to change the association name to Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA). Dues were now $3.00 and membership had grown to 198.
February 1950
At the general membership meeting, a motion passed to create an Elementary Division.
August 1952
First record of the TMEA College Division is documented (and they remain the last official TMEA Division to date). By this point, TMEA was over 600 members strong, and the 1952 convention welcomed 453 attendees in Mineral Wells.
100 Years
Over the last 100 years we have come a long way as a profession and as an association. Our purpose started with music. Our commitment as music educators enriches our students and prepares them for any path in life they choose, because music contributes to lifelong success. As we begin our next 100 years, there is much more ahead on the journey for music educators and music education in Texas. And it starts with music.