TMEA Constitution and Bylaws
Last updated: February 2025
We, the Music Educators of Texas, in order to form an association whose purpose and objective shall be the advancement of music education, do approve and establish this Constitution and Bylaws for the Texas Music Educators Association, hereinafter referred to as TMEA.
TMEA membership shall be defined in the following categories: Active, Honorary Life, College Student, Sustaining, Institutional, and Retired. The membership year shall be July 1 through June 30.
SECTION 1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. Active Membership shall be open to any individual engaged in music education activities or any person who wishes to support music education and the purposes of TMEA. Upon payment of the prescribed dues, Active Membership will include: participation in TMEA activities, the right to vote, and admittance to meetings upon compliance with registration requirements. Each member shall be entitled to a one-year subscription to SOUTHWESTERN MUSICIAN and other membership benefits.
SECTION 2. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP. Honorary Life Membership shall be conferred upon past-presidents of the organization and shall include all privileges of active membership without further payment of dues and fees. Each member shall be entitled to a lifetime subscription to SOUTHWESTERN MUSICIAN.
SECTION 3. COLLEGE STUDENT MEMBERSHIP. College Student Membership shall be open to individual full-time college students. Upon payment of the prescribed dues, College Student Membership shall include admittance to TMEA meetings, including the annual Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 4. SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP. Sustaining Membership shall be open to organizations, including booster clubs and businesses or other entities. Upon payment of the prescribed dues, Sustaining Membership shall entitle the organization to a one-year subscription to SOUTHWESTERN MUSICIAN. Sustaining Membership is required for all exhibitors at the annual Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 5. INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP. Institutional Membership shall be open to colleges and universities who support TMEA activities. Upon payment of the prescribed dues, Institutional Membership shall include a one-year subscription to SOUTHWESTERN MUSICIAN.
SECTION 6. RETIRED MEMBERSHIP. Retired Membership shall be open to those who have retired from employment related to music education activities. Upon payment of the prescribed dues, the individual shall have the same privileges as Active members except for the right to hold elective office, enter students in any TMEA-sponsored audition, or receive credit for TMEA-sponsored professional development.
SECTION 1. THE STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The State Board of Directors shall be comprised of the State President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, five Vice-Presidents/Division Chairs, and each Region President, Vice-President and Secretary. The Executive Director shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member. The University Interscholastic League Director of Music Activities will be invited to serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.
SECTION 2. (a). DUTIES OF THE STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The State Board of Directors shall: (1) set the amount of dues for membership; (2) interpret the Constitution and Bylaws; and (3) carry out all directives passed by the TMEA membership.
SECTION 2. (b). APPEAL. A decision of the State Board of Directors may be appealed to the TMEA membership through the State Board Meeting Region Report process.
SECTION 3. MEETINGS OF THE STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The State Board of Directors shall meet during the annual Clinic/Convention and may meet at the call of the President. Upon request of no less than one-third of the members of the State Board, the Executive Director shall call a meeting of the State Board of Directors. A majority of its voting members present shall constitute a quorum, provided not less than one-third of the Regions are represented. The State Board of Directors shall receive written notification of meetings.
SECTION 1. (a). EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past-President, the five Vice-Presidents/Division Chairs, and the Executive Director; the latter serving as an ex-officio, non-voting member. The University Interscholastic League Director of Music Activities will be invited to serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.
SECTION 1. (b). THE PRESIDENT. The presiding officer shall be the President who shall be an Active member of TMEA and be employed full-time in an administrative or teaching capacity in the field of music in the State of Texas.
SECTION 1. (c). THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. When the President has completed the term of office, the President-Elect shall ascend to the office of President. The President-Elect shall be an Active member of TMEA and be employed full-time in an administrative or teaching capacity in the field of music in the State of Texas.
SECTION 1. (d). IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT. Upon completion of the term of office, the President of TMEA shall hold the office of Immediate Past-President, be an Honorary Life Member, and be employed full-time in an administrative or teaching capacity in the field of music in the State of Texas.
SECTION 1. (e). VICE-PRESIDENT/DIVISION CHAIR. The presiding officer of each of the five Divisions (Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Elementary, and College) shall be the Division Chair who also shall serve as a Vice-President of TMEA. The Vice-President/Division Chair shall be an Active member of TMEA and be employed full-time in an administrative or teaching capacity in the field of music in the State of Texas.
SECTION 1. (f). THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The execution of TMEA policies and activities shall be vested in the office of the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall also assume the role of the corporate Secretary.
SECTION 2. (a). DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board shall: (1) be responsible for the business management and operation of TMEA and for the management and control of the funds thereof; (2) determine the time and place of meetings and cooperate with the President in the planning of such meetings; (3) represent and act for the State Board of Directors in the intervals between the meetings of that body; (4) adopt the annual budget; (5) appoint an Executive Director, and prescribe the duties and compensation while maintaining full supervision and control; (6) appoint an editor, editors, or an editorial board for official publications while maintaining full supervision and control; (7) approve Presidential appointments to fill vacancies in State offices; (8) establish Regional/Area boundaries in consultation with the Director of Music Activities of the University Interscholastic League; and (9) have authority to act upon all matters referred to it by the membership of TMEA through the State Board Region Report process, by the State Board of Directors, and by the President.
SECTION 2. (b). MEMBERSHIP DENIAL/SUSPENSION. The Executive Board shall have authority to deny membership to any applicant. The Executive Board may suspend or expel any member and suspend or remove any officer who violates a part of the Constitution and Bylaws or any other official TMEA rule or regulation.
SECTION 2. (c). MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board shall meet on call of the President or on request by a majority of its voting membership. The presence of a majority of its voting members shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the entire voting membership shall be required to take action.
SECTION 2. (d). EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY. The executive authority not defined, not delegated, nor prohibited herein is reserved to the Executive Board.
SECTION 2. (e). APPEAL. A decision of the Executive Board may be appealed to the State Board through the State Board Region Report process.
SECTION 3. (a). DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. The President shall: (1) be the presiding officer at TMEA meetings of the general membership, State Board of Directors and Executive Board; (2) with the approval of the Executive Board, appoint committees and their members; (3) fill by appointment any vacancy in the State Division offices and in the office of the Immediate Past-President; (4) represent TMEA or appoint an alternate for relevant state and national meetings deemed pertinent to the welfare of TMEA; (5) be responsible for the overall program at the annual TMEA Clinic/Convention; and (6) perform all other duties pertaining to the office. The President may appoint a Parliamentarian. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed committees.
SECTION 3. (b). PRESIDENTIAL TERM OF OFFICE. The President shall serve a term of one year and may not serve two successive terms except under the conditions as described in SECTION 4. (d). The term shall begin immediately following the close of the annual Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 3. (c). VACANCY IN OFFICE. During the absence of the President or in the event of vacancy in the Presidential office for any reason, a President Pro-Tem shall be elected from and by the Executive Board.
SECTION 4. (a). DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. The President-Elect shall: (1) perform duties as requested by the President.
SECTION 4. (b). NOMINATION. At the Fall Region Meeting, each Region may submit one name for the office of President-Elect to be nominated for election during the forthcoming Clinic/Convention. The presiding officer of each Region shall file the name of the candidate with the TMEA office within 72 hours of the end of the Fall Region Meeting. The Executive Director shall request permission from each of the persons placed in nomination by four or more Regions to announce their candidacy in an official TMEA publication. If such permission is not received by October 1st, the name will be deleted from the list of candidates.
Individuals nominated at the Fall Region Meetings by four or more Regions, and who authorize permission for such candidacy by October 1st, are official candidates. Nominations of additional candidates must be submitted in writing, including a second, and submitted to the TMEA President and the TMEA office at least four weeks prior to the opening day of the convention.
SECTION 4. (c). ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. The President-Elect shall be elected for a term of one year. The general membership of TMEA will be notified at least three weeks prior to the opening day of the convention of the candidates nominated for President-Elect through an official TMEA publication. Active Members, Retired Members, and Honorary Life Members are eligible to vote for the office of President-Elect. If there is only one nominee, the election will be declared for that nominee by acclamation. If there are two or more nominees, the election will be held by electronic ballot as determined by the Executive Board, and election procedures will be published in an official TMEA publication three weeks in advance of the election. The election will be completed by the date and time established by the TMEA Executive Board and certified in writing by the President’s designee. Such records will be filed with the Executive Director.
SECTION 4. (d). ELECTRONIC BALLOT. The election is conducted by electronic ballot. Preferential voting will be used to preclude a runoff election. Voting is to begin after a General Session. Clinic/Convention attendance is not mandatory to vote electronically.
SECTION 4. (e). VACANCY IN OFFICE. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, that office shall remain vacant until the Clinic/Convention at which time a special election will be held. Nominations will take place during a General Session and the election will be included on the electronic ballot for President-Elect. Under these circumstances, the current President becomes eligible for nomination and may serve a second consecutive term if elected. In the event there is only one nominee, the election will be declared for that nominee by acclamation. The Presidential term will begin immediately following the close of the annual Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 5. (a). DUTIES OF THE IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT. The Immediate Past-President shall: (1) preside over the Council of Past-Presidents; and (2) perform duties as may be requested by the President.
SECTION 5. (b). TERM OF OFFICE. The Immediate Past-President shall serve until the term of the President expires and the President assumes the office of Immediate Past-President.
SECTION 6. (a). DUTIES OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT/DIVISION CHAIR. The Vice-President/Division Chair shall: (1) be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Division; (2) with the approval of the Executive Board, (a) appoint special committees necessary to the operation of the Division; (b) prepare the program for the Division at the annual Clinic/Convention; (c) be responsible for implementing the overall activities of TMEA within the Division.
SECTION 6. (b). NOMINATION. At the Fall Region Meeting, each division with the office of Vice-President/Division Chair open for nomination may submit one name for election during the forthcoming Clinic/Convention. Each Region President shall file the names of nominees with the TMEA office within 72 hours of the end of the Fall Region Meeting. The Executive Director shall request permission from each of the persons placed in nomination by four or more Regions to announce their candidacy in an official TMEA publication. If such permission is not received by October 1st, the name(s) will be deleted from the list of candidates.
Individuals nominated at the Fall Region meetings by four or more Regions, and who authorize permission for such candidacy by October 1st are official candidates. Nominations of additional candidates must be submitted in writing, including a second, and submitted to the TMEA Division Vice-President and the TMEA office at least four weeks prior to the opening day of the convention.
SECTION 6. (c). ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. Each of the five Divisions shall elect a Chair who shall hold office for a term of two years. A Division Chair may not serve two consecutive terms. Elections shall be conducted in the Divisions as follows: Band Division and College Division, years ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8; Orchestra Division, Vocal Division and Elementary Division, years ending with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. The Vice-President/Division Chair’s term shall begin following the close of the annual Clinic/Convention.
The membership of TMEA will be notified at least three weeks prior to the opening day of the convention of the candidates nominated for the offices of Vice-President/Division Chair through an official TMEA publication. In the event of two or more candidates, Active Members, Retired Members, and Honorary Life Members will be issued an electronic ballot for the purpose of casting their vote for the office of Vice-President/Division Chair of their TMEA Primary Division. In the event there is only one nominee, the election will be declared for that nominee by acclamation. The election will be completed by the date and time established by the TMEA Executive Board and certified in writing by the Division Vice-President’s designee. Such records will be filed with the Executive Director.
SECTION 6. (d) 2. ELECTRONIC BALLOT. The election is conducted by electronic ballot. Preferential voting will be used to preclude a runoff election. Voting is to begin after the Convention Division Business Meeting. Clinic/Convention attendance is not mandatory to vote electronically.
SECTION 7. (a). DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. The Executive Director shall: (1) serve as the corporate Secretary to keep a complete record of all TMEA business meetings at the State level and have the proper records available at such meetings; (2) keep an accurate record of the membership; (3) receive all monies due TMEA and keep an accurate and true account of all money received and paid out by TMEA; (4) be custodian of all TMEA property; (5) order and publish an audited account of TMEA finances in an official publication at the end of each fiscal year; (6) serve as editor-in-chief and business advisor for all publications; (7) be coordinator of exhibits for the annual Clinic/Convention; (8) represent TMEA as appointed by the President at state and national meetings deemed pertinent to the welfare of TMEA; (9) propose the annual budget; and (10) fulfill other duties directed by the Executive Board or State Board of Directors.
The Executive Director shall conduct the business of TMEA in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws and in all matters shall be under the direction of the Executive Board. The Executive Director may delegate authority in execution of TMEA business to TMEA staff.
SECTION 7. (b). BOND. The Executive Director shall be bonded in the maximum amount allowed by the bonding agency. The expense of executing this bond shall be paid by TMEA.
SECTION 7. (c). EXPIRATION OF SERVICE. At the expiration of the term of service, the Executive Director shall turn over to the successor all monies, books, and properties of TMEA.
SECTION 1. DIVISIONS. TMEA shall be comprised of five Divisions: Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Elementary and College. Each applicant for TMEA membership must designate one Primary Division in which to participate as a voting member.
SECTION 2. (a). THE COUNCIL OF PAST-PRESIDENTS. Upon completion of the term of office, each President shall become a member of the Council of Past-Presidents.
SECTION 2. (b). DUTIES OF THE COUNCIL OF PAST-PRESIDENTS. The Council of Past-Presidents shall serve as an advisory body to the State Board of Directors, the Executive Board, and the President. It shall discharge such duties as may be assigned by the State Board of Directors and the Executive Board.
SECTION 3. STANDING COMMITTEES. Standing Committees shall be defined in the TMEA Policies and Procedures by the TMEA Executive Board. At least one Past-President shall serve on each Standing Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of these committees.
SECTION 4. AD HOC COMMITTEES. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, may appoint any committee necessary for the betterment and general welfare of the association.
SECTION 1. (a). REGIONS. Texas shall be divided into geographical subdivisions called Regions to carry out TMEA objectives at the local level, to guarantee representation on the State Board of Directors, and to provide opportunity for individual participation and responsibility in TMEA Activities. The powers and authority not defined nor prohibited shall be left to the Regions.
SECTION 1. (b). REGIONAL BOUNDARIES. Regional Boundaries shall be established by the Executive Board in consultation with the Director of Music Activities of the University Interscholastic League.
SECTION 2. (a). REGION OFFICERS. Each Region shall elect a Region President, Vice-President, and Secretary. At least two Divisions must be represented in these three offices. In addition, a Region Division Chair for each Division represented within the Region shall be elected. All Region officers must be Active members of TMEA and employed full-time in an administrative or teaching capacity in the field of music within the Region.
SECTION 2. (b). DUTIES OF THE REGION PRESIDENT. The Region President shall: (1) be the presiding officer of the Region and of the Region Steering Committee; (2) serve as a member of the State Board of Directors; (3) call Region meetings; (4) appoint committees as necessary; (5) review Region bank accounts; and (6) perform other duties pertaining to the presiding office.
The Region President shall file within 72 hours of the end of the Fall Region Meeting the following information: (1) Nomination for President-Elect; (2) nominations for Vice-President/Division Chair; and (3) present recommendations during a State Board Meeting Region Report for items to be considered by the appropriate governing body.
SECTION 2. (c). DUTIES OF THE REGION VICE-PRESIDENT. The Region Vice-President shall: (1) assume the duties of the presiding officer in the absence of the Region President; and (2) serve as a member of the State Board of Directors and the Region Steering Committee.
SECTION 2. (d). DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. The Region Secretary shall: (1) keep accurate minutes of Region meetings; (2) perform all other duties pertaining to the office of Secretary; and (3) serve as a member of the State Board of Directors and the Region Steering Committee.
SECTION 2. (e). DUTIES OF THE REGION DIVISION CHAIR. The Region Division Chair shall: (1) be the presiding officer of the meeting of the respective Division (Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Elementary, and College) within the Region; (2) serve as a member of the Region Steering Committee; (3) be responsible for implementing the Region program of TMEA within the Division; and (4) file the appropriate financial reports, policies, and other documents as requested by the TMEA office.
SECTION 2. (f). ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE. In a manner prescribed by “Methods of Voting” in the current version of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised all Region officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Division Chairs) shall be elected for a term of two years at the Spring Meeting on the years ending with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8.
SECTION 2. (g). VACANCIES IN REGION OFFICES. Vacancies which occur in Region Offices shall be filled through appointment by the Region Steering Committee. This appointment shall be for the unexpired term, or until the Region or Region Division can meet and elect a successor.
SECTION 3. (a). REGION STEERING COMMITTEE. The Region Steering Committee shall consist of the Region Officers.
SECTION 3. (b). DUTIES OF THE REGION STEERING COMMITTEE. The Region Steering Committee shall: (1) determine the means and methods of executing the overall program of TMEA within the Region; (2) In a manner as prescribed by TMEA policy, receive and disburse TMEA Region Funds; (3) coordinate the programs of the Divisions; (4) serve as an instrument through which the State Officers may implement and inform the membership of the general policies and program of activities of TMEA; and (5) fill, by appointment, vacancies which occur in Region offices. The Region Steering Committee has executive authority at the Region level and may suspend or remove a person from a Region office for improper conduct or failure to fulfill duties.
SECTION 4. (a). REGION MEETINGS. Each Region shall hold at least three meetings each year, one Fall meeting prior to September 15th, one Spring meeting, and the other during the annual Clinic/Convention. The Region President or their designee must preside at all Region meetings.
SECTION 4. (b). CALLED OR SPECIAL REGION MEETINGS. Region Meetings may be called by the Region President or upon request of a majority of the members of the Region Steering Committee.
SECTION 4. (c). QUORUM. Forty of the Active Members of a Region, with more than one Division represented, shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 4. (d). NOTICE. Notification of Called or Special Region Meetings shall be made in writing, whether by electronic mail or hard copy, no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting.
SECTION 5. (a). CALLED OR SPECIAL REGION DIVISION MEETINGS. Region Division Meetings may be called by the Region Division Chair or upon request of a majority of the members of the Division. The Region Division Chair or their designee must preside at the meeting.
SECTION 5. (b). QUORUM. Thirty of the Active Members of the Region Division shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 5. (c). NOTICE. Notification of Called or Special Region Division Meetings shall be made in writing, whether by electronic mail or hard copy, no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting.
SECTION 1. RESPONSIBILITY. Except as provided elsewhere in this document, fiscal responsibility for the operation of TMEA shall rest with the Executive Board.
SECTION 2. SPECIAL FUNDS. Special Funds shall be under the administration of the Executive Board.
SECTION 3. REGION FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITIES. Each Region President shall oversee the filing of appropriate financial records as requested by the TMEA office.
SECTION 4. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 through June 30.
SECTION 1. (a). STATE BOARD BUSINESS. New Business, in the form of a motion or resolution, shall be submitted to the Executive Board by a Region President or State Board member designee during a State Board Meeting Region Report for consideration by the appropriate governing body.
SECTION 1. (b). DIVISIONAL BUSINESS. Business pertaining to the affairs and interests of a particular Division shall be transacted during the business meeting of the Division.
SECTION 2. (a). PROGRAMS. The Executive Board shall have authority to plan and execute educational activities such as the presentation of musical organizations and sessions at the annual Clinic/Convention.
SECTION 2. (b). DIVISIONAL PROGRAMS. Under the direction of the President, the Executive Board shall plan and execute a composite program which shall allow equal consideration for the Divisions represented. Each Division Chair shall recommend clinicians, teachers, and performing organizations, and shall be responsible for the planning and execution of the Division program.
SECTION 2. (c). SCHEDULE AND LOCATION. The dates, times and place of the annual Clinic/Convention shall be set by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall oversee all TMEA publications.
SECTION 1. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. SOUTHWESTERN MUSICIAN and the TMEA website shall be the official publications of TMEA. Notices, rules, regulations, and policies appearing in either official publication thereby become official.
Prior to assuming the duties of the office, each Region and State Officer shall be installed by taking the Oath of Office. Any Active TMEA Member may administer the Oath.
SECTION 1. OATH. Realizing the dignity attendant upon my office and the responsibility involved as an officer of TMEA, I do promise to carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability until my successor has been duly elected and installed. I furthermore promise to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws, rules and regulations, Code of Ethics, and to serve faithfully as an officer of TMEA, always working for the advancement of Music Education in Texas.
The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority whenever parliamentary procedures are required.
Any meeting prescribed by this constitution, including committees, may be held by electronic means, as long as each person participating in the meeting can communicate with all other persons participating in the meeting.
This Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the voting members submitting an electronic ballot. Written notice of proposed amendments shall appear in an official TMEA publication at least two weeks prior to the opening day of the ballot. The voting period shall be at least one week.