Executive Board Candidates
Active Members, Retired Members, and Honorary Life Members are eligible to vote. Voting for TMEA President-Elect and Vice-Presidents is conducted electronically for offices with more than one nominee. For TMEA to email you a link to your electronic ballot, your membership must be current by 2 p.m. on February 14, 2025. Eligible members are not required to attend the convention to vote. For offices with a single nominee, the nominee is elected by acclamation.
Electronic voting closes at 6 p.m. CT on February 14, 2025.
Jennifer Martin
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Jennifer Martin
Candidate for: President-Elect
Present Position: Orchestra/Mariachi Specialist, Fort Worth ISD (2022-present)
Previous Position: Director of Orchestras, Boles JH & Moore Elementary, Arlington ISD (2014-2022); Orchestra Director, Moore/Swift/Wood Elementary (2011-2014), Orchestra Director, Ashworth/Pearcy/Williams Elementary (2008-2011), Director of Orchestras, Midway HS (2006-2008); Director of Orchestras, Midway MS (2003-2006)
Education: Master of Educational Leadership, Stephen F. Austin University (2024); Bachelor of Music Education, Baylor University (2003)
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Region 5 Orchestra Chair (2018-2020); Region 8 MS Coordinator (2006-2008); All-State Orchestra Organizer (2011, 2004), TMEA Honor Orchestra and Invited Orchestra Adjudicator
Other Offices and Positions Held: Boles JH Fine Arts Department Lead (2021-2022); AISD Online Beginning Orchestra Curriculum Committee Lead (2020-2021)
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, TODA, TMAA, TFAA, Mu Omicron
Honors/Accomplishments: Arlington ISD AWARE Teacher of the Year Finalist (2022), Winner of the Smile Doctors Arlington Rockstar Teacher Contest (2021), TODA Reading Session Conductor, TMEA Region Orchestra Clinician, Consistent UIL Sweepstakes Award Winner, Active Clinician/Adjudicator.
Personal Information: I have been married to my husband, Jimmy, a middle school history teacher, for 22 years. Watching our two children grow and mature into young adults has been our greatest source of pride and joy. Both have developed strong friendships and confidence through their involvement in orchestra and choir. I also stay active performing in the viola section of the Waco Symphony and at my church.
I am truly honored and grateful to accept the nomination for TMEA President-Elect. Serving the Orchestra Division on the Executive Board over the past two years has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career!
As TMEA President-Elect, my organizational skills, interpersonal skills, eye for innovation, passion for the work, and ability to think globally for the good of all divisions will serve TMEA well. It’s vital to put in the work to thoroughly plan and maintain the level of quality and professionalism for which TMEA is known.
Servant leadership, listening, and working collaboratively are my guideposts in leadership. The TMEA membership is filled with incredibly talented and innovative teachers and that input is valuable and transformative.
The fruits of this work have led to a new judging process for Honor Orchestra finals. Each judge listens to the groups in a different order to reduce any unintentional advantage or disadvantage inherent in listening order. Additionally, All-State Mariachi now utilizes the online audition platform to select vocal soloists via audition prior to the convention.
The 2024 convention introduced the inaugural Invited Spotlight Band & Orchestra Clinic/Concerts. This is an invaluable platform for the Band and Orchestra divisions to showcase high-quality teaching that represents a wide variety of educational situations. It provides a perfect complement to Honor Band and Honor Orchestra. As a fine arts administrator who serves an urban Title 1 school district, I know firsthand that diverse representation is so important!
I will work to build upon the strengths of TMEA while also evolving to meet the current and future needs of music education. It is important to remain active and relevant in the legislature, encourage music teachers to feel empowered and inspired in their teaching, create opportunities to recruit new music educators, and provide relevant and impactful professional development to the membership.
I spend the majority of my day in classrooms supporting, coaching and mentoring teachers. This provides me with a front-row seat to see the amazing work done by music teachers, as well as the challenges and the support needed. As a fine arts administrator, my passion is working to see all music disciplines succeed! We are stronger together, and I look forward to collaborating with elementary, band, orchestra, mariachi, vocal and college to advance music education for all!
Joshua McGuire
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Joshua McGuire
Candidate for: TMEA President-Elect
Present Position: Head Choir Director, Rock Hill High School, Prosper ISD (2020-present).
Previous Position: Head Choir Director, Sachse High School, Garland ISD (2005-2020); Head Choir Director, Reed-Custer High School, Braidwood, Illinois (2000-2003).
Education: Bachelor of Music (Education), Western Illinois University (2000); Master of Music (Choral Conducting), Louisiana State University (2005).
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: TMEA Vice-President and Vocal Division Chair (2023-present), Area B Vocal Chair (2021-2023); Convention Ballroom Manager (2023); Vocal Division Convention and Clinic Coordinator (2020-2021); State Board Election Chair (2019); All-State Tenor Bass Choir Organizer (2016-2017); Small School Choir Committee (2016-2017); Area C Vocal Chair (2014-2018); All-State Mixed Choir Section Leader (2014); Region 3 Vocal Chair (2010-2011); All-State Tenor Bass Choir Section Leader (2007)
Other Offices and Positions Held: TMEA IDEA Committee, TMEA Small School Choir Committee, TCDA Ways and Means Committee
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, TCDA, TMAA, ACDA
Honors/Accomplishments: NAFME National Convention Demonstration Choir and Presenter (2016); City of Sachse Secondary Teacher of the Year (2011); Sachse High School Teacher of the Year (2010); American Classic Madrigal Festival Performance of Distinction (San Antonio 2012, 2014; Dallas 2020, 2022, 2024), Frequent MS/JH and HS Region Choir Clinician/Conductor
Personal Information: Like so many colleagues, I was drawn to teach in Texas because of the support provided for music education. I’ve spent 80% of my professional career learning from the master teachers in all divisions within this state, and I consider it a privilege to contribute to a profession that has given so much to me. My K-12 education was shaped by my participation in band and choir. My undergraduate experience was magnified by experiences in the university marching band and quality choral music performances.
Statement: It is with great humility and respect for the responsibility of this position that I accept the nomination for TMEA President-Elect. As I complete my two-year term as the Vocal Division Vice-President, I’m afforded the opportunity to reflect on the many opportunities serving on the TMEA Executive Board has provided to support my colleagues throughout the state. Our organization is a beacon of leadership during this unprecedented time in education, and remains a strong voice of advocacy for the fine arts in every school district, state government, and throughout the nation.
It has been my honor to serve my fellow Vocal Division members with attention to detail, high standards, and thoughtful policy change. My intention has always been to allow choral directors to focus on their best teaching strategies in order to provide their students with optimum opportunities for success. Through this unique leadership experience, my knowledge of the processes and best practices in the other TMEA divisions has allowed me to see the benefits of collaboration in all aspects of music education in our state, from elementary to college/university. This service has heightened my awareness of the importance of being an advocate for all divisions of TMEA.
As President-Elect, I look forward to chairing the IDEA committee and continuing meaningful conversations I’ve been a part of during my two years on the board. This important committee is a “think tank” representing, advocating for, and expanding the diversity within our association, and offers additional guidance to the Executive Board and TMEA staff. Now, more than ever, TMEA’s “music for all” statement is crucial for forward momentum in Texas schools. The IDEA committee will be an important tool in strengthening TMEA’s commitment and outreach to all students and all communities.
Support for MS/JH directors in the Vocal Division has been a key goal during my tenure. As a member of the Executive Board, I’ve had the opportunity to learn a great deal about our Elementary Division, and I look forward to championing the essential development which takes place in elementary music classrooms across the state. These rooms establish the foundation on which our outstanding performance divisions have built their international reputations.
Given the opportunity to continue to serve you as President-Elect, I will advance the mission set by the Executive Board and the TMEA staff. This mission includes encouraging and retaining great teachers within in our profession, working with the legislature and education stakeholders to promote all fine arts programs as a crucial part of a child’s education, working with TEA to create a navigable path for pre-service teachers, and fostering relationships with the many professional organizations with which we share a common interest.
Colleagues, I’m ready to be an ear, voice, and a standard bearer for you. I’m equipped to be part of TMEA’s charge as the leading music education association in the country, and I am committed to being part of the impact for years to come. I ask for your vote as President-Elect to continue working at the state level. It is through TMEA’s leadership that all Texas fine arts – and the students and teachers involved – continue to be valued, supported, and to thrive.
Orchestra Vice-President
Sabrina Behrens
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Sabrina Behrens
Candidate for: State Orchestra Division Chair
Present Position: Director of Orchestras, William B. Travis High School, Fort Bend ISD (2011- present)
Previous Position: Director of Orchestras: Garcia Middle School and George Bush High School (2006-2008), Director of Orchestras and Choirs: George Bush High School (2008-2009), Associate Director of Orchestras: Clements High School (2009-2011), Director of Orchestras: James Bowie Middle School (2012-2013)
Education: Bachelor of Music Education, Baylor University 2001, Master of Music Performance- Double Bass, University of Michigan 2004, Region 4 Principal as Instructional Leader, 2022
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Region 13 Orchestra Division Chair, 2016-2022.
Other Offices and Positions Held: Travis High School Fine Arts Department Chair, 2015-present
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, TODA, TMAA, NAfME
Honors/Accomplishments: Midwest Clinic Associate Conductor, 2010, Travis High School Teacher of the Year 2019, Tri-M Chapter of the Year for the state of Texas 2022, 2024, Tri-M National Runner Up Chapter of the Year, 2023
Personal Information: With over 18 years of experience in music education, I am a dedicated advocate for the arts and a seasoned leader in the field. I currently serve as the Director of Orchestras at Travis High School in Fort Bend ISD, and have grown the program from 50 to 175 students as well as serving as the Fine Arts Department Chair. I am a lifelong musician and athlete, and I currently perform with the Brazos Valley and Lake Charles Symphony orchestras and have completed three Ironman triathlons. My passion for fostering musical talent and supporting music educators is central to my career and service to the Texas music community.
Statement: It is an incredible honor to be running for the position of TMEA Orchestra Division State Chair. TMEA has been a cornerstone of my own growth as a student musician and as a music educator, and I am deeply committed to giving back to an organization that has provided so many invaluable opportunities for Texas students and teachers like myself. If elected, I am dedicated to ensuring that all students across Texas have access to high-quality musical experiences, while providing unwavering support to orchestra directors at all levels. My vision includes expanding opportunities for harp and piano students at both the region and state levels, ensuring that these students have equal access to the meaningful, challenging musical experiences that are a hallmark of TMEA programs.
At the same time, I believe strongly in honoring the rich traditions of TMEA that have made this organization such an influential force in music education. From the excellence of its ensembles to the sense of community it fosters among directors and students, TMEA’s traditions are the foundation of our shared success. As we look to the future, it’s essential that we continue to celebrate and uphold these traditions while also pushing for innovation and inclusivity. I am passionate about fostering a welcoming environment within TMEA, encouraging growth for both students and directors, and maintaining the highest standards in all aspects of our programs.
As an orchestra director in the state for over 18 years, I know firsthand the impact that TMEA has on shaping careers, developing musical excellence, and creating lasting connections. The opportunities for students to perform, collaborate, and learn through TMEA programs are truly transformative. I would be privileged to serve an organization that has had such a profound influence on my own journey, and I am excited about the opportunity to work alongside other dedicated educators to continue advancing the exceptional music education that TMEA provides. Together, we can ensure that future generations of students continue to thrive and grow through the power of music, while honoring the legacy of excellence that has made TMEA an essential part of Texas music education for so many years.
Vocal Vice-President
Jennifer Gallagher
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Jennifer Gallagher
Candidate for: State Vocal Division Chair
Present Position: Shadow Creek High School Choir Director, Alvin ISD (2016-Present)
Previous Positions: Choir Director, Nolan Ryan Junior High, Alvin ISD (2008-2016)
Education: Bachelor of Music Education, University of Houston (2008)
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Area H Vocal Chair (2022-Present), Region 17 President (2020-2022), Region 17 Vocal Chair (2017-2020), Region 17 MS/JH Coordinator (2011-2014), Region 17 MS/JH Vice-Chair (2009-2011)
Other Offices and Positions Held: TCDA MS/JH Vice President (2013-2015), TMEA Ballroom Manager (2022), TMEA All State Treble Choir Section Leader (2018-2019), TMEA Interview Committee for Executive Director (2023), TMEA IDEA Committee (2023-2024), TMEA COVID-19 Resource Committee (2020), TMEA Invited Choir Review Committee (2021-2022), TMEA Session Review Committee (2023-2024), TMEA Scholarship Review Committee (2023), TMEA Performing Group Guide (2015), TCDA DEIA Committee (2021), UIL Prescribed Music List Committees (2018), (2020-2022)
Honors/Accomplishments: TMEA Invited Performing Choir – Shadow Creek Varsity Tenor/Bass (2025); American Classic Celebration of Excellence Honor Choir – Shadow Creek Varsity Tenor/Bass (2025); University of Houston Invitational Honor Choir – Shadow Creek Varsity Mixed (2018 & 2022); TCDA Summer Conference Presenter (2019); Houston Chamber Choir Hear the Future – Nolan Ryan JH Tenor/Bass Honor Choir (2016); TMEA Clinician (2016); Texas Private School MEA MS/JH All State Conductor (2015); HEB Excellence in Education Rising Star Finalist (2014); TCDA Young Director of Distinction (2013); Alvin ISD Teacher of the Year (2013); Nolan Ryan JH Teacher of the Year (2013); Bay Area Chorus – Nolan Ryan JH Varsity Treble Honor Choir (2011); Active clinician, presenter, and adjudicator.
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, TCDA, TMAA, ACDA
Life is beautiful and hard, and ALWAYS better together. TMEA has a strong legacy of excellence, and I aim to build upon that tradition. As Vocal Vice President, my vision is to honor authenticity and vulnerability by working to extend the table. I will encourage new voices to be convention presenters while valuing the knowledge of seasoned educators. To increase transparency, I’d like to explore a new process for selecting higher-profile convention volunteer positions (e.g., ballroom manager, facility manager, and all-state organizers) through applications or colleague nominations. We can extend grace by practicing vulnerability and showing others they are not alone in their journey. I aim to foster inclusion and share diverse directors’ stories in the Southwestern Musician column.
I believe in holding space for multiple ideas, even if they seem opposing. I admire the “Yes, AND” idea from improvisational comedians. So…to that end:
Yes, I teach at a large 6A high school in the Houston suburbs…AND I graduated from a small school with only 2 ensembles in our program.
Yes, I made the Texas All-State Choir…AND I recognize that the process may not work for everyone in our state.
Yes, I am a product of Texas choral music…AND the same systems that supported me have sometimes marginalized me.
Our own lives, the lives of our students, and the cultures of our schools and districts are complicated, nuanced, and in many shades of gray. Like our own life stories, the black-and-white notes on a page need the human touch of collaboration and interpretation in order to come alive as the colorful and vibrant music that we all love!
While TMEA has a strong history in Texas music education, we cannot rest on our laurels. We must ask tough questions about the state of music education today, maintaining professionalism while evolving through open dialogue.
I offer you my brains, my heart, and my will. I am brave enough to say that I do not know everything, and I pledge to openly listen and learn. As with all of the best things in life, serving TMEA has given me joy AND headaches, purpose AND tears, laughter, and, most importantly, immeasurable connections with others. My mission is to help you find more connections within yourself, with others, and with the music. My table at the TMEA Executive Committee will be big enough to have more chairs. If elected, I’ll invite you to pull up a seat. I will be listening.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I sincerely ask for your vote.
Michael D. Matlock
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Michael D. Matlock
Candidate for: State Vocal Division Chair
Present Position: HS Choral Director, Andrews HS, Andrews ISD (2003-present)
Previous Positions: HS/MS Choral Director, Muleshoe HS and MS, Muleshoe ISD (2002-2003); HS Choral Director, Lamesa HS, Lamesa ISD (1997-2002); HS Choral Director, Brownfield HS, Brownfield ISD (1996-1997); MS Choral Director, Seminole MS, Seminole ISD (1994-1996)
Education: Bachelor of Music Education, Southern Nazarene University (1994)
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Region 16 JH Vocal Division Chair (1995-1996); Region 16 HS Vocal Division; Chair (1999-2002); Region 6 Vocal Division Chair (2007-2009); Area A Vocal Division Chair (2000-2006); Area B Vocal Division Chair (2008-2016); LSC Area A Vocal Division Chair/SSC Area West Vocal Division Chair (2017-2020); SSC Area West Vocal Division Chair (2021-present); TMEA Vocal Division Convention Facilities Team Coordinator (2006, 2007); TMEA Vocal Division Convention Coordinator (2008, 2009); TMEA SSC All-State Mixed Choir Organizer (2015, 2016, 2017); TMEA Vocal Division Convention Ballroom Manager (2024); TMEA Vocal Division Convention Ballroom Stage Manager (2025); TMEA Area A Vocal Mentoring Network Coordinator (2012-present)
Other Offices and Positions Held: TMEA Realignment Committee (2003); TMEA Small School All-State Mixed Choir Planning Committees (2012-2014); UIL Sightreading Committee (2005-2006 & 2021-2023); UIL PML Committee (2023-present)
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, TCDA, TMAA, ACDA
Honors/Accomplishments: Andrews HS A Cappella Treble Choir – 2012 TMEA Convention Invited Performing Choir; Andrews HS A Cappella Mixed Choir – 2021 TMEA Virtual Convention Invited Performing Choir
Personal Information: My primary focus in my teaching career has been one of making connections and building relationships with students so they are seen, heard, and have a safe place where they feel a sense of belonging. I actively listen for content. I feel I am fair, open-minded, and make common sense decisions. I also try to model these characteristics in my home as a husband and father.
With 30 years of classroom experience, I can multi-task at a very high level in stressful situations while maintaining diplomacy.
My years of experience with many of TMEA’s procedures will make it possible for me to begin effectively working on day one.
Statement: I am running for TMEA Vocal Division Vice-President because I want to serve ALL the choral directors of Texas and the organization that has meant so much to me. I believe all students can be profoundly affected by music and we can teach so much more than “musical” ideas and concepts. Our goal as educators is to steer students to be the best possible version of themselves and to teach them to be responsible, strong, independent thinkers, ready for the world they will enter. Choral music is the “tool” we have the privilege of using to achieve those goals.
I began serving TMEA 30 years ago and have found areas to serve every year since. The experience that I have gained gives me a unique perspective of how the different “puzzle pieces” fit together to make our division run. My vision is to continue the work that past VPs have done and offer all students an opportunity to participate and grow through music, while also working to find new and innovative ways to encourage and strengthen our choral programs and our colleagues.
I have served under 14 different Vocal Division Chairs and have watched and assisted their efforts as our division has grown and evolved. These experiences required organization, patience, compromise, and communication with directors, clinicians, and convention volunteers. Working with these individuals has shaped my professional career and pushed me to significant personal growth. They also taught me to seek advice and ask questions.
My entire career has allowed me to work daily at both MS and HS campuses; although my primary area is Small School, I am running for ALL sectors of the Vocal Division: Large School, Small School, and Middle School. I also want to explore ways that TMEA can better serve the Middle School division. I want to promote and strengthen the TMEA Mentoring Network; I believe that our new directors, and those that are isolated (or feel isolated), need the encouragement and guidance that veteran directors can provide. As your Vocal Division Chair, I want to be there for all choral music educators in Texas.
Elementary Vice-President
Julie Boettiger
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Julie Boettiger
Candidate for: State Elementary Chair
Present Positions: Coordinator of Elementary Music, Fort Bend ISD; Institute Director of Fort Bend Kodály Institute, Fort Bend ISD
Previous Positions: Elementary Music Specialist, Fort Bend ISD and Katy ISD
Education: Master of Educational Administration, University of Houston; Bachelor of Music Education, Texas Tech University
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Elementary Division Covid Response Team – 2020
Other Offices and Positions Held: Performance Coordinator – Texas Fine Arts Administrators, Committee Member – Teacher Education Committee – Organization of American Kodály Educators
Professional Affiliations: Educational Theatre Association, Kodály Educators of Texas, Organization of American Kodály Educators, Texas Arts Education Committee, Texas Choral Directors Association, Texas Fine Arts Administrators, Texas Music Educators Association
Honors/Accomplishments: Administrator of the Year for the Organization of American Kodály Educators – 2025; Supported TMEA Performing Groups from Fort Bend ISD – 2025, 2024, 2023, 2015; Guest Conductor for Fort Bend ISD Honor Choir at Kodály Educators of Texas Meeting at TMEA – 2023; Presented ‘Student Ownership of Learning’ at TMEA – 2022
Personal Information: With over twenty years of experience in music education, Julie is driven by one simple goal: helping teachers teach. After sixteen years of teaching elementary music in West Houston and five years in administration, she has dedicated her career to supporting fellow educators and advocating for the resources they need to inspire the next generation of musicians. Julie’s journey began with a bachelor’s degree in music education from Texas Tech University, followed by earning her OAKE Endorsed Kodály Certification from the University of North Texas. Later she obtained a master’s in education administration from the University of Houston, further equipping her to lead and advocate for our profession.
In 2018, she founded the Fort Bend Kodály Institute, a program focused on teacher training and professional development, and currently serves as the Coordinator of Elementary Music for Fort Bend ISD. In this role, she works directly with teachers, building systems that empower their work and advocating for essential resources like teaching time, materials, and facilities. Julie’s approach is both professional and compassionate, ensuring that every teacher feels supported and valued at each stage of their career.
Julie is the proud parent of her daughter, Parker. Parker participated in choir through High School and was accepted as a member of the National Chamber Choir for the 2024 National Organization of American Kodály Educators Conference. Parker is a freshman at Texas Tech University.
Statement: If elected as Vice President of the Elementary Division, Julie will continue championing the initiatives that have strengthened our division while fostering collaboration among different pedagogical approaches, such as Orff, Music Learning Theory, and Kodály. She is committed to work tirelessly to bridge the gap between teachers and administrators, offering a unique perspective as a candidate with administrative experience.
Julie is passionate about advocating for music education at all levels, actively engaging in legislative efforts to secure the support and funding our programs need. She has been privileged to speak at national conferences, sharing innovative strategies that empower educators, and is deeply committed to professional development that ensures every student has access to high-quality music education. Julie’s service on TMEA committees reflects her dedication to inclusivity, innovation, and excellence in all areas of music education.
Julie fully understands the unique challenges our music educators face, and is committed to being an approachable, unwavering advocate who will amplify your voice. Voting for Julie means voting for a passionate, visionary leader who will support you, connect you with resources, and inspire lasting change within our profession. Together, our work can continue to shape the future of music education for the benefit of all students.
Lauren Summa
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Lauren Summa
Candidate for: Elementary Division Chair
Current Position: Music Teacher, Melba Passmore ES, Alvin ISD (2003-present)
Previous Positions: Music Teacher, Barrington Place ES, Fort Bend ISD (1998-2000); Technology Integration Specialist, Bellows Falls MS, Windham Northeast SU (2000-2003)
Education: Bachelor of Music Education, Texas Christian University (1998); Master of Arts in Teaching, Marlboro College/Emerson College (2002)
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Region 17 Vice-President (2018-2020), Region 17 Elementary Chair (2015-2016); TMEA Convention Elementary Division Assistant (2016)
Other Offices and Positions Held: President, Texas Gulf Coast Orff Association; Secretary, Texas Gulf Coast Orff Association; Orff-Schulwerk Education Programming Subcommittee, American Orff-Schulwerk Association
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, AOSA, TGCOA
Honors/Accomplishments: TMEA Conference Presenter (2025, 2024, 2022, 2017); TMEA Online Learning Platform Presenter (2024); CEDFA Presenter (2024); Southwestern Musician Contributor (2024, 2023, 2017); AOSA Teacher Educator (2024); University of Houston Cooperating Teacher (2006-present); TCDA Winter Conference Planning Committee (2023); TMEA Connections Web Series (2020); TMEA Summer Dialogue Participant (2019); TMEA Invited Elementary Instrumental Ensemble (2018); Course Director, Alvin ISD Summer Music Institute (2016-2019); Lead Elementary Music Teacher, Alvin ISD (2008-2021); Elementary Teacher of the Year, Alvin ISD (2008); Melba Passmore Elementary Teacher of the Year (2008)
Personal Information:
My journey with TMEA started in 1994 as a second soprano in the Texas All-State Mixed Choir. I was lucky to perform again in college with the Texas Christian University Concert Chorale and to bring my own students as the director of an Invited Elementary Performing Group in 2018. But my favorite TMEA experiences were as an All-State parent in 2022 and 2023!
Choral singing is at the heart of who I am, shaping my professional path and giving my personal life a deep sense of purpose and connection. I am fortunate to sing with both Casulana Women’s Choir of Houston under the direction of Janwin Overstreet-Goode and Neena Taylor and the Alvin Community Chorus under the direction of Dr. Kevin Moody. Through both ensembles, I am able to grow as a musician and better understand my students’ perspectives as learners
I’ve been fortunate to support TMEA in various capacities, including as a presenter, author, director, and roundtable participant. These experiences have been both enriching and rewarding, allowing me to contribute to the ongoing dialogue within the organization. It is with great honor that I now stand as an official candidate for the TMEA state board, excited to bring my passion, insights, and dedication to serve the incredible community of Texas music educators.
Teaching teachers brings me immense joy. I am deeply committed to supporting educators at every stage of their careers, from student teaching to retirement. As schools and students evolve, it is essential for teachers to adapt as well. TMEA’s programming must continue to address the current needs of classroom educators while also anticipating the skills and resources they will need to meet future challenges.
In 2022 and 2023, I had the privilege of attending TMEA as an All-State parent. Each year, thousands of parents and community members participate in the conference. TMEA has a unique opportunity to educate and empower these individuals, equipping them to become advocates for arts education in their own communities. Imagine the impact of parents who have seen firsthand how music can transform lives! In-person sessions at the TMEA conference, along with online resource groups, could inspire these advocates to drive meaningful change in their local school districts.
The Elementary Division is a vibrant and influential community, full of knowledge and passion to share. In 2024, I had the privilege of presenting Sing and Play Unwanted Behavior Away at the TMEA Convention alongside colleagues from Alvin ISD. Afterward, friends from other Divisions reached out to express how much they appreciated attending their first Elementary Division session. They discovered valuable skills and insights that they could apply in their secondary teaching roles. I’m excited about exploring areas where our divisions intersect, creating learning experiences that bring us together.
There is so much we can learn from one another!
I am eager to continue the strong commitment demonstrated by those who have previously served as Elementary Division VP, by actively seeking out clinicians who embody the excellence, diversity, and unique needs of the outstanding Texas educators that TMEA supports.
Matthew Allen Trevino
Watch Candidate Endorsement Video Here
Name: Matthew Allen Trevino
Candidate for: TMEA State Elementary Chair
Present Position: Elementary Music Specialist Roan Forest Elementary NEISD (2014-present)
Previous Position: Huebner Elementary NEISD (2012-2014); Woodstone Elementary NEISD (2011-2014); Lamar Elementary SAISD (2010-2011) ; Franklin Elementary SAISD (2009-2011)
Education: Bachelor of Music, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (Fall 2008); Associates in Music, Del Mar College (2006); Orff Levels I,II and III, Trinity University (2015)
TMEA Offices and Positions Held: Region 12 Elementary Chair (2021); Elementary Division Connections Team (2020-2021); Elementary Invited Ensemble Selection Committee (2021,2022)
Other Offices and Positions Held: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Province 9 Governor (2013-2020), Deputy Governor, Province Alumni Coordinator, Collegiate Province Representative, Assistant Collegiate Representative, Chapter President Rho Epsilon Chapter and Kappa Chi Chapter, SAISD Elementary Music Educators Association, President (2010-2011)
Professional Affiliations: TMEA, AOSA, NAFME, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Honors/Accomplishments: 2020 and 2024 SONIDO! TMEA Convention“Elementary Invited Ensemble”, 2024 Music For All Sonido – Inaugural Elementary Excellence Advocacy in Action Award Recipient, 4X Semifinalist for the Music Educator GRAMMY, 2023 and 2022 CMA Foundation Music Teacher of Excellence, 2022 Inaugural TikTok Teacher March Madness Winner, 2023 and 2022 H-E-B Excellence in Education, Statewide Semifinalist, 2021, 2022, 2023 TMEA Convention Clinician, 2022 Speaker at TMEA Convention First General Session, 2021 Elected as TMEA Region 12 Elementary Division Chair, 2018 Roan Forest Teacher of the Year
Personal Information: I’m a proud husband to my wonderful wife, and a dad to two amazing boys, along with our two adorable kitties who keep life interesting. When I’m not spending time with my family, I’m busy creating content on social media under the username @Mr.Trevino_theMusicMan, where I share my love for music and education. I’ve been teaching private saxophone lessons for over 20 years, and I’m passionate about arranging music and presenting workshops that inspire others. Supporting my family and friends in their personal and professional journeys is really important to me, and I always strive to be a fun, yet positive voice and a source of encouragement in the teaching community. Music is my life, and I’m always looking for new ways to share that passion with others.
Statement: With a servant’s heart and a passion for uplifting those who dedicate their lives to music education, I am committed to bringing dynamic leadership to this role. My experience as a region chair, along with other leadership roles, has equipped me to advocate for the needs of music educators, students, and supporters of the arts. This has prepared me to effectively represent you and work towards positive change in our music education community.
I am committed to building on the progress of those who have led before me, ensuring growth and momentum in our organization. Together, we can amplify the impact of music education across Texas, empower teachers, and inspire students to reach their fullest potential.
One priority is to create more meaningful performance opportunities for students across Texas, ensuring young musicians from all backgrounds have a chance to shine. Every student deserves to experience the life-changing magic of music, regardless of where they come from.
As we empower students, we must also uplift the educators who dedicate themselves to this work. I recognize the tireless efforts of elementary music teachers—often without the recognition they deserve. That’s why I’m committed to launching a new recognition program to celebrate their achievements across Texas.
My vision is to elevate both students and educators, inspiring a community where teachers feel supported, appreciated, and celebrated. I’ve seen firsthand how transformative music education can be, and I will work relentlessly to ensure both students and teachers are given the resources, recognition, and opportunities they need to thrive.
Together, we can strengthen our music programs and enrich the lives of students. I am ready to serve you as TMEA State Elementary Chair, and I look forward to the opportunity to bring our vision to life.
Thank you for your trust, passion, and unwavering commitment to music education.
Need ballot help?
Email membership@tmea.org before 5 p.m., February 14. If you are at the convention, visit the TMEA Help Desk inside Convention Registration during open hours (7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.).