Texas Music Educators Association Announces Executive Director Designate Appointment
October 16, 2023
AUSTIN, TEXAS (October 16, 2023)—Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) is proud to announce the appointment of Joe Muñoz as the future Executive Director of our organization. As Executive Director Designate, he will collaborate with retiring Executive Director Robert Floyd during a transition period leading to Muñoz’s official assumption of the Executive Director role on July 1, 2024. Until that date, Floyd will continue serving as TMEA’s Executive Director.
“I am honored to be selected to follow in the footsteps of two of the most recent pillars of TMEA’s success—Bill Cormack and Robert Floyd. Their example of transformational leadership will be the foundation of my service to TMEA,” said Muñoz. “I am excited to serve students, parents, teachers, administrators, and all TMEA stakeholders to provide pathways for positive experiences and access to music as part of a high-quality fine arts education in Texas. I thank Arlington ISD for allowing me to serve a richly diverse community and for their amazing support of equitable fine arts experiences for all students.”
As Assistant Director of Fine Arts for the Performing Arts in Arlington ISD, Muñoz will bring 31 years of considerable experience as a music educator and arts administrator to TMEA. Additionally, having served over 20 years in elected TMEA leadership roles, including as TMEA President (2019–2020), Muñoz has demonstrated exceptional dedication and a deep understanding of the organization’s mission and values. This combined experience provides him with a valuable perspective that will support his successful transition into the position.
“Joe was appointed from an exceptional group of candidates following a rigorous selection process. With his extensive experience and inspiring vision, we look forward to him leading TMEA into a bright and successful future,” said TMEA President Dana Pradervand-Sedatole. She continued, “We are forever grateful to Robert Floyd for his 30+ years of unwavering dedication and exceptional service to TMEA. His remarkable influence and lasting impact on students and teachers have left an indelible mark on the history of music education in Texas.”
Muñoz will become only the seventh executive in our association’s rich history, spanning over 100 years. Executive Director Floyd, who announced his retirement plans in June 2023, stated, “I look forward to working with Joe during the upcoming transition period. He has the passion, experience, knowledge, and vision to guide TMEA through the challenges of the future. Under his leadership, I am certain TMEA will continue to thrive in its support of our nearly 20,000 members and the 5.5 million students we serve.”
Muñoz is a product of Texas schools. He grew up in Spring (north of Houston), graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in music, and earned a master’s degree in educational leadership from Stephen F. Austin State University. After 28 years as a successful band director, Muñoz moved to K–12 administration.
The search for the TMEA Executive Director Designate began in July, after Floyd announced his plan to retire. The TMEA Executive Board engaged the services of JG Consulting to manage the application process. TMEA members served on committees to screen candidate applications, conduct initial interviews, and recommend candidates to the Executive Board for its final interviews and appointment processes.
About TMEA
Since 1920, Texas Music Educators Association has worked to ensure excellence in music education for all Texas students. TMEA’s 19,800 members include over 13,800 school music educators who belong to one of five TMEA Divisions: Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Elementary, and College. Members elect Vice-Presidents to their Division to guide the Division’s programming. On behalf of its members and Texas students, TMEA monitors the actions of state decision-making bodies on issues affecting fine arts instruction in Texas. In addition to many member benefits, TMEA offers professional development for its members through workshops and its annual Clinic/Convention that hosts over 30,000 attendees. TMEA supports the future of music education by offering scholarships to music education majors and sponsoring the Texas Future Music Educators. Through this organization, high school students interested in careers in music education learn more about what to expect in their college education and future careers.
Media Contact
Karen Cross, Communications Manager, kcross@tmea.org, 512-452-0710, ext. 107