Code of Ethics & Standard Practices
Revised 6/2021
An Ethical Teacher:
1.10 Shall not grant any advantage, deny benefits, or unfairly exclude any fellow member or colleague from participation in any program on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, gender or gender identity or expression, disability, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background, sexual orientation or identity, education, or other unique characteristics.
1.11 Shall recognize that the profession demands integrity, high ideals, and dedication to music education.
1.12 Shall recognize that maintaining the integrity of the profession is the responsibility of each member.
1.13 Shall build a professional reputation based upon ability and integrity.
1.14 Shall endeavor to promote positive professional relations with colleagues in education.
1.15 Shall exhibit and model to colleagues and students ethical and legal practice with digital media and conduct positive, responsible behavior when using social network communications.
1.16 Shall neither accept nor offer any gratuity, favor, service, or gift that would appear to result in special concession or diminished capacity of impartial professional judgment.
1.17 Shall respect the confidentiality of information that is privileged or that, if disclosed, may needlessly injure individuals or the school.
1.18 Shall at all times make a distinction between official policies of the school district or educational organization and personal opinion.
1.19 Shall not intentionally violate or misrepresent official policies of the school district or other educational organization.
1.20 Shall not falsify documents or compel others to do so.
1.21 Shall be aware of and abide by existing copyright laws and guard against any infringement thereof.
1.22 Shall maintain records accounting for all monies and conduct financial affairs with integrity.
1.23 Shall enter into a contract or agreement only if it will allow the maintenance of professional integrity.
1.24 Shall respect and support colleagues and other school personnel in the proper performance of their duties.
1.25 Shall report to the appropriate entity any conduct by a colleague which is considered detrimental to the profession.
An Ethical Teacher:
2.10 Shall not grant any advantage, deny benefits, or unfairly exclude any student from participation in any program on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, gender or gender identity or expression, disability, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background, sexual orientation or identity, education, or other unique characteristics.
2.11 Shall work to become more educated about and respectful of all cultures, and through music education shall help students develop an informed respect for all students and their cultures.
2.12 Shall embrace and teach various genres of music that reflect their students’ cultures and other diverse cultures.
2.13 Shall design and employ methods of instruction that provide the highest educational and musical experiences and instill a lifelong appreciation for music and the arts.
2.14 Shall not take physical, emotional or financial advantage of any student.
2.15 Shall make every effort to protect the physical and mental health and safety of all students.
2.16 Shall not solicit or engage in sexual conduct or in a romantic relationship with any student.
2.17 Shall model and guide students to professionally and ethically utilize social network communications.
2.18 Shall not furnish alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or knowingly allow any student to consume alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs in the presence of the educator.
2.19 Shall consider the individuality of each student when resolving problems (including discipline) and such resolutions shall be accomplished according to laws and school board policy.
2.20 Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage.
2.21 Shall continually engage in activities fostering professional growth.
An Ethical Teacher:
3.10 Shall model conduct at all times in such a manner as to merit the respect of the public for members of the music education profession.
3.11 Shall maintain an active role in developing positive school and community relations.
3.12 Shall remain cognizant of the impact of the students’ home environment on their education and shall attempt to understand and work within existing community cultures.
3.13 Shall make every effort to communicate with parents when the interests of students would be best served by such communication.
3.14 Shall use social network communications professionally, ethically, and with cultural sensitivity when engaging families and the community.
3.15 Shall strive to embrace and enrich the musical culture of the community and instill an appreciation for the arts.
3.16 Shall accept the professional responsibility to serve as an advocate in the community for matters relating to music education.
3.17 Shall remain aware of current legislation affecting education in general and the arts in particular.