
Revised May 26, 2023.

To maintain the important role of music in the education of children, Texas music educators must clearly understand their duties and obligations and must perpetuate the dignity and honor of the profession. To ensure that members of the Texas Music Educators Association do establish and maintain their duties, obligations, dignity and honor with respect and equity for all, this TMEA Penalties for Rules & Policies Infractions is established.

Any TMEA member who by any act or omission causes a representative of or a participating organization to be in violation of published documents of TMEA may be subject to private or public reprimand. Situations involving repeated or severe infractions may result in loss of TMEA membership (see TMEA Constitution, Article III, Section 2. (b). Examples of TMEA published documents include, but are not limited to, rules, guidelines, policies and procedures for audition activities, the TMEA honor organization selection process and the TMEA eligibility requirements.

A) Submitting a Grievance:
  1. Any student, parent, director, TMEA member, school official or concerned party may submit a grievance.
  2. Grievances must be submitted to a Region Division Chair, State Division Vice-President or the TMEA Executive Director.
  3. The TMEA Executive Director shall immediately inform, in writing, the member(s) who is (are) the subject of the grievance.
  4. The Region Division Chair, State Division Vice-President and the Executive Director shall investigate and report to the Presidents Committee.
B) Jurisdictions:
  1. The Presidents Committee shall have decision jurisdiction to determine the merit of a grievance and instruct the Executive Director to proceed with action deemed appropriate.
  2. The TMEA Executive Board shall have appellate jurisdiction. Appeals of a Presidents Committee decision will be considered during a regularly scheduled meeting.
  3. The TMEA State Board shall have final jurisdiction. Appeals of an Executive Board decision will be considered by the State Board during a regularly scheduled meeting.
  4. Cases with a decision recommending loss of membership shall be submitted directly to the Executive Board for consideration and final decision.
  5. The Executive Director has no jurisdiction authority in this process.
C) Penalties:
  1. Level I – At the direction of the Presidents Committee and subject to the appeals process, a letter of reprimand shall be sent to the member only and a copy kept in a confidential file at the TMEA office in the custodial care of the Executive Director. A Level I penalty may include a probationary period of up to three years and may include any reasonable conditions which, if not fulfilled, may result in a more stringent penalty. It shall not be published in the Southwestern Musician.
  2. Level II – At the direction of the Presidents Committee and subject to the appeals process, a letter of reprimand shall be sent to the member, campus level administrator, district level superintendent and district level music supervisor. The reprimand may also be published in the Southwestern Musician stating the violation found. A Level II penalty may include a probationary period of up to three years and may include any reasonable conditions which, if not fulfilled, may result in a more stringent penalty.
  3. Level III – At the direction of the Presidents Committee and subject to the Appeals Process, a letter of reprimand shall be sent to the member, campus level administrator, district level superintendent, and district level music supervisor.  The reprimand may also be published in the Southwestern Musician stating the violation found. The Presidents Committee may choose to recommend loss of membership and/or loss of membership privileges. The Executive Board, by constitutional provision, is the only body which has decision-making authority over loss of membership. Consequently, the Presidents Committee must submit a recommendation for loss of membership to the full Executive Board for action.
Grievance Process Flow Chart
  Region Division Chair,
State Division Vice-President,
or TMEA Executive Director
Notify Accused      
  Investigation & Report to
Presidents’ Committee
Decision Jurisdiction
    Results Letter from
TMEA Executive Director
    Accused         Petitioner    
Appeal Decision   Accept Decision Process Complete
TMEA Executive Board
Appellate Jurisdiction
Accused Accept Decision Process Complete
Appeal Decision        
TMEA State Board
Final Jurisdiction
Accused Process Complete