Band Division Invited Program Spotlights
What is the Invited Program Spotlight?
The Invited Program Spotlight process allows the wonderful and innovative teaching that Texas bands are known for to be celebrated at our convention. The Band Division seeks to spotlight high-quality programs that represent the diversity of school environments and socioeconomic makeup of programs across our state.What is a Program Spotlight?
Unlike the multi-level, adjudicated Honor Band process, this invitation process allows the Band Division greater flexibility to select programs representing what bands in Texas offer our students and communities. Any program from any classification is eligible to submit an application.What it is NOT?
This is not an adjudicated competition to identify the best bands in Texas. Bands will not be selected to represent each classification or specific set of classifications. This process is not subject to the TMEA Appeals process.Classification
There will be 3 classifications:- Middle School band program
- High School band program
- ATSSB band program (Middle School/High School combined)
- Director must be an active member of TMEA.
- The program must represent a school located in the State of Texas.
- The program must be eligible to participate in UIL Concert and Sightreading Evaluation.
- The primary director must have taught the program as the primary director for a minimum of: 4 years for HS directors and 3 years for MS directors.
- The program has not received an invitation to perform at the Midwest Band Clinic or has not been selected as a TMEA Honor Band in the last 5 years.
- The program cannot enter both the Invited and Honor Band processes concurrently in the same year.
- If a program is selected as an Invited Spotlight Program, they must wait one calendar school year to apply again.
Entry Process
Any director that meets the above eligibility requirements may submit an application. In addition, programs can receive nominations that are submitted to the State Band VP. The State Band VP will notify the nominated director and that director may submit an application.Application Submission
The primary director will complete the online application and recording submission for the Area/State competition.- Live concert recordings of the program to include:
- HS - 12-15 minutes: Must include one Varsity concert piece from the current school year
- MS - 8-10 minutes: Must include one Varsity concert piece from the current school year
- HS & MS - May also include Non-varsity, jazz band, mariachi, or chamber group performances from live concerts
- A maximum of three recordings may be uploaded (HS 15 minutes / MS 10 minutes total time of all recordings)
- Completed online application to include:
- General Information to include:
- A list of UIL pieces performed and with ratings (HS previous 4 years) (MS previous 2 Years)
- Number of students who auditioned for a TMEA or ATSSB All-State track audition (HS only)
- Number of students in the school
- Number of students in the program
- Director’s resume
- Short Biography of program describing what makes your program worthy of being an Invited Program Spotlight. Discuss what students are offered; socio-economic challenges; how program enrollment numbers reflect program strength, retention, and growth; community involvement; private lesson/masterclass program, region participation, etc.
- References:
- School administrator (principal, fine arts director)
- Director or colleague from within the Region
- Reference of person familiar with the program
- General Information to include:
Recording Requirements
- Recording may not be digitally enhanced in any manner.
- Any engineering, editing, or tampering in any way with the recording after the performance is not allowed,
Note: The only allowable technical alteration to a recording is adjustment of master volume.- The following are allowable edits of recorded submissions:
- Submitted recordings may be edited to eliminate excess time between movements of a multi-movement work.
- Submitted recordings may be edited to eliminate audience applause.
- Submitted recordings may be edited to combine multiple tracks of a multi-movement work into a single audio file for online submission.
- Movements must be combined in the same order the movements were performed.
- Combined movements must be from the same recording.
- Submitted recordings may be edited to match volume from track to track.
- The following are allowable edits of recorded submissions:
- All selections must be recorded and submitted in a digital format.
Acceptable recording formats for upload:- m4a (AAC-LC); Sample rate: 48000 Hz; Stereo; Bitrate: 256 kbps, constant
- mp3 Sample rate: 48000 Hz; Stereo; Bitrate: 256 kbps, constant
- WAV (Uncompressed); Sample rate: 44,100 Hz; Stereo; 16-Bit (required)
Application Deadlines
- A TMEA Band Division Program Spotlight Entry Form Part 1 must be submitted online no later than May 1 at 11:59 pm (CT)
- Parts 2 and 3 with application materials and recordings uploaded must be completed by June 1 at 11:59 pm (CT).
Area Level Review and Evaluation
Note: The Area Level Review and Evaluation process may be by-passed if the number of applications can be managed at the State level.
Review panels will be geographically represented as well as reflect middle school, high school and small school levels. Panel members should not have an active interest or participation in the submitted programs.
- 9 Area review panels (3 person panel)- determined by the State Band Chair
- 8 TMEA Area panels and 1 ATSSB panel
- Area panels will not review the nominees from their Area
- Area review and evaluation can be done virtually and in a determined time period (example: June 15-20). Each panel member will evaluate the programs based on the submitted performances and recommend 1 high school and 1 middle school program to be evaluated at the state level. ATSSB will recommend 1 high school program to be evaluated at the State level.
- The application of 1 middle school program and 1 high school program selected from each Area will be further evaluated by another panel selected by the Band Division Vice-President.
- Because this is not a competition, no written comments, rubrics or point totals will be provided to the applicants.
State Level Evaluation
- The State Band Chair will select one/two review panels of 5 persons.
- The panels will review and evaluate the programs selected by the Area-level reviewers. This can be done virtually and during a predetermined week in July.
- Each panel will make recommendations for programs to be selected.
- At least 1 high school and 1 middle school program will be chosen to be a Band Division Invited Program Spotlight.
- Because this is not a competition, no written comments, rubrics or point totals will be provided to the applicants.
- The announcement of the selected programs will be made on Thursday during the Texas Bandmasters Association Convention.
Selected Invited Program Spotlight
- All program nominees may be recognized during the Band Division meeting at TMEA.
- The selected Invited Program Spotlight will present a clinic/performance program at the TMEA convention. This clinic performance will be done in a ballroom setting.
- The invited Program Spotlight session will be scheduled by the Band Division Vice-President in consultation with the TMEA Executive Board.
- The invited program director will agree to complete their session within the 50 minute allotted time. This includes introductions, applause, and presentations.
- The setup time for the session 30 minutes prior to the beginning and the stage clearing time at the end of the session is 10 minutes.
- The session will be scheduled in a ballroom. TMEA will provide a grand piano, chairs, music stands, conductor podium and music stand, and if required, up to 2 - 8" tall 4'x 8' platforms, 2- 16" tall 4' x 8' platforms.
- All instruments and equipment must be provided by the ensemble and must fit in one box truck. Only one truck is permitted.
- TMEA prohibits any organization from soliciting exhibitors for use of instruments or equipment during the convention.
- Possible format for clinic/performance presentation:
- Question/Answer session (panel discussion)
- Rehearsal Lab performance
- Ensemble performance followed by short lecture and question/answer period
- Musical demonstration by various groups that encompass the entire band program
- New music concert/presentation
- Online application process opens April 1. Application button will appear below.
- Part 1 must be completed by 11:59 pm (CT), May 1.
- Part 2 must be completed, printed, and include the signature of the director with the permission of the school principal by 11:59 pm (CT), June 1.
- A letter from the school superintendent (or designee) stating the ensemble will be allowed to perform at the TMEA Convention.
- Print and sign the application then digitally upload the form and superintendent letter in one PDF file to TMEA on the website application.
- Deadline to complete Parts 2 and 3 including the signed application and all digital uploads is 11:59 pm (CT), June 1.
Need Help?
For more information, contact the TMEA Band Division Vice President.
The Band Division Invited Program Spotlight online application process opens on April 1.