600+ Exhibitors
Explore the TMEA Exhibit Show to find the best deals on products and services from your favorite companies and connect with representatives from top higher education institutions.
Visit the College Fair during exhibit hours to learn about music programs from across the country. And don’t miss College Night on Friday evening from 5 to 8 p.m. (badges not required), a dedicated event where students and families can meet with college representatives to explore opportunities for their future in music.
Please note: Badges are required to enter the exhibit hall during all hours outside of College Night.

Exhibit Hall Location & Hours
The TMEA Clinic/Convention exhibit show is located in Halls 1-4 of the Henry B. González Convention Center. Badges are required for entry. Learn more about available badge types.
Thursday, February 13
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday, February 14
9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
College Night 5—8 p.m. (no badge required)
Saturday, February 15
9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Exhibitor List
2025 Exhibitor List
Discover the best in music education products and services.
2025 College Exhibitor List
Connect with representatives from higher education institutions.
Find Exhibitors in the App
The TMEA Convention App allows you favorite exhibitors you’d like to visit to add them to your quick list, locate them on the interactive map, and explore the full convention schedule.
Apply to Exhibit
Exhibit applications open annually in September.
The annual TMEA exhibit show features over 600 exhibitors from music instrument manufacturers, retailers, fundraising, travel companies, colleges, and more. Make immediate onsite sales, build lasting customer relationships, and boost your brand’s exposure.
Convention Questions?
We’ve got answers. Check out our Convention FAQ for everything you need to know about the TMEA Clinic/Convention.
- 99 Violin Shop
- 99Pledges
- A.M. Designs
- AAG_Muzic
- Academic Travel Services
- Adams Musical Instruments
- Adrenaline Fundraising
- Alfred Music
- Alias Press
- Amati Violin Shop, Inc.
- AMC Music
- American Band College
- American Classic Tours & Music Festivals
- American Drum
- American Orff Schulwerk Texas Chapters
- American String Teachers Association
- Andretti Indoor Karting & Games
- Antonio Strad Violin
- Arcofrog
- Ars Nova Press, Inc.
- Artistically Yours by Kim Hebert
- Ask The Money Maestro
- Austin Classical Guitar
- Avid Technology, Inc.
- B. Corbin Clarinet Products
- Ballin’ Sportswear
- Bam France
- Band Shoppe
- Band Today
- Bari Woodwinds, Inc.
- Behlmann Counseling and Education, LLC
- Behn Mouthpieces
- Bell Trumpets / Bell’s Music Shop
- BetterSax
- BG Franck Bichon
- Black Strad Concert Attire
- Blue Knights Drum & Bugle Corps
- Bluecoats Drum & Bugle Corps, Inc.
- BlueHaus Mallet Shop
- bNoteable
- Bob Reeves Brass Mouthpieces, LLC
- Bob Rogers Travel
- Bocal Majority Woodwinds
- Bolder Adventure Park at Epic Central
- Bono Percussion
- Brandability
- Branson On Stage Live
- Branson’s Famous Baldknobbers
- Branson’s IMAX Entertainment Complex & Restaurants
- Breezin’ Thru Inc.
- BriLee Music
- Brook Mays Music / H&H Music
- Buddy Roger’s Music
- Buffet Crampon USA
- Butler Trombones
- Butter Braid Fundraising
- C. Alan Publications
- Cane River Music
- Cannonball Musical Instruments
- Carl Fischer Music & Theodore Presser Company
- Carnegie Hall
- Carolbrass
- Carolyn Nussbaum Music Co
- Cash Cow Fundraising, LLC
- Casio America, Inc.
- Cate’s Concepts
- CCIS / Discover Student Travel
- Celtic Horizon Tours
- Century Resources LLC
- Charles W. Liu Fine Violins
- Cherrydale Fundraising
- Chick-fil-A on the Strip
- Chord Quest
- Church Organ Associates
- Clarinet World
- Classroom Composers
- Clay Cooper Theatre
- Clix Therapy
- Coda Leathercraft
- Conn-Selmer, Inc.
- Corps Design – We Move Music
- Cousin’s Concert Attire
- Creative Costuming & Designs
- Crossmen Drum Corps
- Custom Batons
- Custom Fundraising Solutions
- Cut Time
- daCarbo AG
- D’Addario & Company, Inc.
- Dahlke Mouthpieces International
- Dallas Percussion
- Dance Sophisticates
- Deanan Gourmet Popcorn
- DeMoulin Brothers & Company
- DG Fine Arts
- Digital Performance Gear
- Digital Marching FX
- Director’s Choice
- Director’s Showcase International
- Disney Imagination Campus
- Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Attraction
- Doug Elliott Mouthpieces
- Downpour Visual Media
- Dragonfly Percussion
- Drillmasters
- Drum Corps International
- Duo Music Clarinet Shop
- Dynasty/Titan Field Frames
- Earasers by Persona Medical
- Eastern Music Festival
- Eastman Music Company
- Echelon Music
- Educational Travel Adventures
- Ensemble Block
- Ensemble Performing Arts
- Epic Waters Indoor Water Park
- Excelcia Music Publishing
- Fabian Group
- Fannin Musical Productions
- FEAT Travel Inc
- Field Dots, LLC
- Fine Arts Travel
- First Class Transportation, LLC.
- Fishburn Violin Shop
- Flat for Education
- Floot Fire Inc.
- Floyd Sole Stomp
- Fort Worth Violins LLC
- Fort Worth Youth Orchestra
- Forte Athletics
- Four Seasons Tours
- Fox Products Corp
- Fred J Miller, Inc.
- Freebirds World Burrito
- Fritz’s Adventure
- Fruhauf Uniforms
- Fundraiser Assist
- Gandy Ink
- Garlinger Batons
- Gebr. Alexander, Rhein. Musikinstrumentenfabrik GmbH
- Gebrüder Mönnig and Oscar Adler & Co.
- Germantown Violin Company
- Getzen Company, Inc.
- GEWA Music USA
- GIA Publications, Inc. / Meredith Music
- Giddings Mouthpieces Inc.
- Gleichweit Mouthpieces
- Got Pride USA
- GPG Music
- Green Light Group Tours
- Group Travel Consultants, Inc.
- GroupFund LLC
- Grover Pro Percussion
- Guardian Travel Group
- Hal Leonard
- Hamilton’s Theatrical Supply
- Haosen
- Hardrock Ink
- Harmony Tours | Harmony Productions | Choirs of America
- Hawaii State Tours
- Hawkins Mutes Limited
- Heckman Batons
- Heritage Music Press
- Hill Country Rocks
- Hillje Music Centers, LLC
- Houghton Horns
- Howarth of London
- Hunter Music Instrument Inc.
- Innovative Percussion
- InstaRaise
- International Clarinet Association
- It’s a Hoot!
- J.W. Pepper & Son Inc.
- Janss Bow
- Jarvis Industries, Inc.
- JDR Music
- Jean Paul USA
- JEM Woodworking LLC
- JLC Music Pub.
- JodyJazz/Rousseau/Chedeville
- John Packer Musical Instruments
- Juguzzi/Fritz Chair
- Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic
- K Wylie Publications
- Kaleidoscope Adventures
- Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma
- Karl Hammond Design INC
- Keiser Productions, Inc.
- Kevin Carroll edUKEcator
- KI Concerts
- KIS Accessories
- Kodály Educators of Texas
- KraftGeek
- La Tradición Mariachi/Delgado Guitars
- Lady Anvil
- Legacy Lockers
- Legere Reeds Limited
- Liberty Receptive Tours
- Lili’s Music
- Lisa’s Clarinet Shop
- Lisle Violin Shop
- Lohff and Pfeiffer USA
- Lollypop Shoe Charms
- Longbottom Coffee & Tea
- Loyal Drums
- Luke McMillan Music Co.
- Lung Trainers LLC
- Macie Publishing / Ed Sueta Music Publications
- MADD Creations
- Make a Memory Family
- Malmark Bells Inc.
- Manhasset Specialty Co.
- Marching Band Movement LLC
- Marching Health
- Marching Maestro, LLC
- Marco Group, Inc.
- Mariachi Clothing Company
- Mariachi Connection
- Marigaux
- Marimba One, Inc.
- Marimba Warehouse Inc
- Mark Custom Recording Service, Inc
- Mark Enterprises, Inc.
- Mark Wessels Publications
- McCormick’s
- Melhart Music
- Microphonic Designs LLC
- Miles, Sturch, & Westbrook Pianos
- Miller Marketing Co.
- MindaMusic Harp Gallery
- Miraphone eG Brass Instruments
- M’Lady Creations
- Mollard Conducting Batons
- MRNS Music
- MSC Publications
- Music & Arts
- Music Adventures International
- Music Celebrations International
- Music Duo
- Music Filing Solutions
- Music for All, Inc.
- Music In Motion
- Music in the Parks & Festivals of Music
- Music Is Elementary
- Music Memory Mighty Music Publishing
- Music Travel Consultants
- Musical Gifts and Treasures by Costume Holiday House
- Musical Horizons International LLC
- Musically Minted
- MusicFirst
- Musicplay
- My Education Solutions
- NAfME-Texas
- Nashville Roadhouse LIVE
- National Band Association
- National Children’s Chorus
- National Concerts
- Naturalcy Picks / Modernish Jewelry
- Neil A Kjos Music Co.
- New York Life
- Note-Able Travel Experiences
- N-Tune Music & Sound
- Oboe Chicago
- On The Field Music
- Ozark Delight Candy Co. Inc
- Pageantry Innovations
- Patricola Brothers S.N.C.
- Patti DeWitt Co
- Peak Music Stands
- Pearl Corporation
- Pender’s Music Co.
- PepWear LLC
- Percussion Source
- Perdue Acoustics
- Perform America-TX, LLC
- Performance Carts
- Performer’s Academy
- Performing Arts Consultants
- Peripole Music
- Phantom Regiment
- Phi Beta Mu
- Phill the Box
- Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
- Pickett Brass
- Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism
- PJ Kelley Music
- Playbook
- Pope Horns
- Portastand
- Premier Music Teaching Aids LLC
- Presleys’ Country Jubilee
- Presto Assistant
- Pride of Texas Music Festival
- PROPvinyls.com
- Protec
- Pyle Percussion, Inc.
- Pyware
- QuaverEd
- R&R Travel
- R. Michael Hardy Woodworking
- Raiders Drum and Bugle Corps
- RamPad
- Ranch House Candles Fundraising
- Randall Standridge Music LLC
- RDG Woodwinds, Inc.
- Readymade Music, LLC
- ReedGeek, Inc.
- Remo, Inc.
- Resort Vacations Inc.
- Reverence Performance Apparel
- Rhythm Band Instruments, LLC
- Rice Clarinet Works
- Richard’s Double Reeds
- RMT Music and Fine Arts
- Roadrunner Charters, Inc.
- Robertson & Sons Violin Shop
- Rockin’ Feet
- Rodriguez Musical Services
- Romeo Music
- Rovner MC LLC
- Row-Loff Productions
- Royal Global Clarinets
- Salyers Percussion
- San Antonio Incredible Pizza Company
- SARAHTIM Music Publishing
- Schilke Music Products / Greenhoe Trombones
- Schlitterbahn Waterparks
- Schoolfundr
- Select Tours by Sabol & Associates, LLC
- Show Dots
- SICO America, Inc.
- SightReadingFactory.com
- Sigma Alpha Iota
- Silver Dollar City Attractions
- Silverstein Works
- Simply Sheets of Mobile/Simply Fundraising
- Six Flags Fiesta Texas
- Snap! Mobile
- Solo-Ensemble.com
- Sonor Orff/Nuvo
- Sound Thinking LLP
- Southeastern Performance Apparel
- Southwest Emblem
- Southwest Strings
- Specialty Shops at Schmitt Music
- St. Louis Music
- Stadium Creations
- StageRight Corporation
- Stanbury Uniforms
- Steinway Piano Gallery
- STL Ocarina
- Straight A Tours & Travel
- Strait Music Company
- Successful Promotions
- Summit Tour & Travel
- Sweet Pipes
- Sweetwater
- Swirly Music
- SyncedUpDesigns
- Syos
- T.U.X. People’s Music
- TAMA | Bergerault
- Tapspace Publications
- Tarpley Music
- TB Winds
- Team Go Figure
- Terra Nova Violins
- Texas Arts Education Campaign
- Texas Association of Mariachi Educators
- Texas Association of Music Schools
- Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools
- Texas Bandmasters Association
- Texas Black Music Educators
- Texas Cellos
- Texas Choral/Orchestra Directors Association
- Texas Guitar Directors Association
- Texas Horn Trader
- Texas Jazz All Stars
- Texas Jazz Educators Association
- Texas Private School Music Educators Association
- Texas Retired Teachers Association
- Texas Violin Shop
- The Band Code
- The Bandwagon Music Store & Repair
- The Breakdown
- The Dallas Winds
- The Director’s Realty Group
- The Docentus Group
- The Instrumentalist
- The Midwest Clinic
- The Polybandstand
- The Practice Shoppe
- The Texas Flute Guild
- The Tuba Exchange
- Theo Wanne Mouthpiece and Instruments
- Theta Music Trainer
- Thorn Music Center
- TinkerTar
- Titanic Museum Attraction
- TMF Tours and Travel
- Tote Unlimited
- Tour-Rific of Texas
- Trevor James Flutes
- TromboneBuddy
- Trophy Music
- Troubadour Consultants
- Truly Horrible Things
- Trumpet Legacy
- Turtle Pads Percussion
- U.S. Air Force Band of the West
- U.S. Army Band (Pershing’s Own)
- U.S. Army Band Recruiting
- U.S. Marine Music
- U.S. Navy Fleet Band Activities
- Unique Travels and Tours, Inc.
- United States Army Field Band, The
- Universal Destinations & Experiences
- USBands
- uTheory
- ValuTeachers
- Van Wyk Confections
- Vandoren /Dansr / Jones Double Reeds
- Varsity Band Wear
- Veritas Instrument Rental
- Vertical Raise
- Villela Guitars / Frank ‘n’ Strings
- Visit Grand Prairie
- Walnut Hill School for the Arts
- Way Cool Keyboarding
- Weissman Theatrical Supplies
- Wenger Corporation
- Wessex Texas
- West Music Co
- Westbridge Travel
- WGI Sport of the Arts
- What the Heck Press
- WhimZbee
- William Harris Lee and Co
- Willis Wonderland Foundation
- Winter Park Ski-Music Festival
- Women Band Directors International
- Wonders of Wildlife
- World’s Finest Chocolate
- WorldStrides
- Yamaha Corporation of America
- Young Band Directors of Texas
- Young Musicians
- Youth Orchestras of San Antonio
- Zildjian Co.
College Fair & College Night Institutions
- Abilene Christian Univ
- Angelo State Univ
- Austin College
- Austin Community College
- Baylor Univ
- Blinn College
- Concordia Univ Texas
- Dallas Baptist Univ
- East Texas A&M Univ
- East Texas Baptist Univ
- Hardin-Simmons Univ
- Houston Christian Univ
- Howard Payne Univ
- Lamar Univ
- McLennan Community College
- Midwestern State Univ
- Navarro College
- Sam Houston State Univ
- San Antonio College
- San Jacinto College Central
- Schreiner Univ
- Southern Methodist Univ
- Stephen F. Austin State Univ
- Sul Ross State Univ
- Tarleton State Univ
- Tarrant County College Northeast
- Temple College
- Texas A&M International Univ
- Texas A&M Univ
- Texas A&M Univ Central Texas
- Texas A&M Univ Corpus Christi
- Texas Christian Univ
- Texas Lutheran Univ
- Texas Southern Univ
- Texas State Univ
- Texas Tech Univ
- Texas Wesleyan Univ
- Texas Woman’s Univ
- Trinity Univ
- Trinity Valley Community College
- Univ of Houston, Moores School of Music
- Univ of Mary Hardin-Baylor
- Univ of North Texas
- Univ of Texas at Arlington
- Univ of Texas at El Paso
- Univ of Texas at San Antonio
- Univ of Texas Permian Basin
- Univ of Texas Rio Grande Valley
- Wayland Baptist Univ
- West Texas A&M Univ
- Boise State Univ
- Boston Univ
- Bowling Green State Univ
- Brigham Young Univ
- Centenary College of Louisiana
- Central Michigan Univ
- Colorado State Univ
- Curtis Institute of Music
- Eastman School of Music
- Florida State Univ College of Music
- Furman Univ
- Harding Univ
- Interlochen Center for the Arts
- Ithaca College
- Juilliard School, The
- Kansas State Univ
- Kansas Wesleyan Univ
- Liberty Univ School of Music
- Long Island Univ
- Louisiana State Univ
- Loyola Univ – New Orleans
- McNeese State Univ
- Merrimack College
- Mississippi State Univ
- MTU Cork School of Music
- New York Univ
- Northwestern State Univ of Louisiana
- Oklahoma Baptist Univ
- Oklahoma Christian Univ
- Oklahoma City Univ
- Oklahoma State Univ
- Ouachita Baptist Univ
- Palm Beach Atlantic Univ
- Purdue Univ
- Southeast Missouri State Univ
- Southern Nazarene Univ
- Temple Univ
- Trevecca Nazarene Univ
- Univ of Alabama
- Univ of Arkansas
- Univ of Central Arkansas
- Univ of Cincinnati
- Univ of Colorado Boulder
- Univ of Denver
- Univ of Florida
- Univ of Georgia
- Univ of Louisiana Monroe
- Univ of Maryland
- Univ of Miami
- Univ of Michigan
- Univ of Mississippi
- Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Univ of Utah
- Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
- VanderCook College of Music
- Wheaton College
- William Carey Univ