Frequently Asked Questions
- All-State Concert Entry
Except for All-State Small School Band, Two-Year College Choir, and Community College Band & Jazz concerts (which have no tickets), those with All-State Concert Tickets or a TMEA paid convention badge are allowed entry first. Note: Family badges do not grant access to the priority ticket line. For concerts in Lila Cockrell Theatre and Stars at Night Ballroom, attendees may line up no earlier than 1.5 hours before the concert start. Ten minutes prior to the beginning of a concert, if seating is available, admission is open to all.
- All-State Concert Lines
You may line up no earlier than 1.5 hours before concert start time.
Band & Orchestra lines start in the hall between the Lila Cockrell Theatre and the North Lobby on the street level.
Choir lines start in Hemisfair Ballroom 3 on the third floor.
Percussion, Jazz, Mariachi have no lines. Go directly to the concert venue in Hemisfair Ballroom 1-2 on the third floor.
The Community College All-State Wind Symphony concert will be held in Room 217, proceed directly to the concert venue.
- App Schedules
Navigate the convention schedule and plan your experience. Here's a guide to schedules and creating your personal schedule in the app:
Schedule Views
- Full Schedule Icon: Browse all clinics, performances, and events in one convenient view. Event titles are preceded by colored circles that represent their primary track.
- Tracks Icon: Access a list of all Division Tracks. Select any track to see a filtered schedule view for that track.
- Performances Icon: View all concerts and music showcases in one place by tapping this icon.
- All-State Icon: Explore All-State Ensembles and their full rehearsal and concert schedules. Tap an ensemble to view its details.
- Filtering a Schedule: Use the filter bar at the bottom of the screen to narrow events by Track or Event Type.
Creating My Schedule
- Adding Events to My Schedule: Tap the star icon on any event to add it to "My Schedule." This is the best way to create a personalized itinerary and keep track of events you want to attend.
- Creating Custom Events: From My Schedule, tap the plus icon to create a custom event and add it to your schedule.
- Syncing Across Devices: To keep your schedule updated on multiple devices, create a login under "Multi Device Sync" in the app settings and use your login on all your devices.
- App Support
The TMEA Clinic/Convention App is provided by Core-apps.
Core-apps support desk business hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm EST. They will respond to your message on the next business day. If you require assistance during a Live Event, please reach out to a member of the onsite Event Staff for assistance in resolving your concern.
- App Track Colors
Event titles are preceded by colored circles that represent their primary track, for quick identification while browsing the schedule. The colors correspond to the following tracks:
🔴 Band
🟣 Orchestra
🟢 Vocal
🔵 Elementary
🟠 College
🟡 General Membership
🟤 Technology
Use the Tracks icon on the home screen or the Filter option on the Full Schedule to see a filtered view of events.
- Badge Pickup / Registration Hours
You must pick up your own badge (or register, if you did not before arriving). If you prepurchased family badges, get them where you obtain your badge. Otherwise, go with your family member to the Visitor Booth and purchase once you have obtained your own.
Entrance is from the Convention Center North Lobby near the doors by Market Street. Go to the Prepaid line if you paid your registration or to the Registration line if you need to complete that onsite.
- Wednesday: 1–9 pm
- Thursday: 7:30 am–5 pm
- Friday: 7:30 am–6 pm
- Saturday: 7:30 am–1 pm
If attending separate Wednesday events, go directly to their locations on the second floor of the convention center. You do not need your TMEA badge. TMAA Workshops (CC 217), TJEA Jazz Symposium (CC 206), Technology Preconference (CC 214).
- Biking Resources
Read about San Antonio's biking resources and see a map of downtown bike parking.
- Clinic Audio Files
Audio files become available on the TMEA website approximately 2 weeks after the convention for those who purchased access. To purchase this access, log into your TMEA record online before April 1 and add recordings for only $20. After the convention, go to www.tmea.org/convention to log in and access those files.
- Clinic Handouts
In February, handouts will be available for download. From the schedule list, events with handouts display a PDF icon. On the event details, scroll down to Resources to download the file(s). Once downloaded, the handout can be accessed offline in the app, emailed, and shared to other apps (e.g., notetaking or storage apps). Only handouts submitted by clinicians to TMEA by the deadline are available for download.
- Coat & Bag Check
A coat/bag check (with a per-item fee) will be located in the North Lobby near TMEA Registration.
- Wednesday: Noon–10 pm
- Thursday: 8 am–8 pm
- Friday: 8 am–8 pm
- Saturday: 8 am–10 pm
- Concert Recordings & Photography
No personal recordings are allowed during any concert. Professional recordings of most concerts are available and can be purchased at the Mark Custom Recordings exhibit booth or www.markcustom.com after the convention. Please respect the experience of all attendees by silencing and putting away all devices and cameras during the musical performance.
- CPE Documentation
CPE credit is available only to those who attend the convention and are current TMEA Active members, Honorary Life members, or out-of-state registrants. Go to www.tmea.org/cpe to create your record, available within two weeks after the convention.
- Division Offices
If you need information related to your TMEA Division, visit their office.
- Band: CC 208
- Orchestra: CC 223
- Vocal: CC 303 C
- Elementary: Grand Hyatt Republic A (4th Fl)
- College: CC 208
- Exhibit Hall Hours
Exhibit hall entry requires a convention badge (except for College Night).
- Thursday: 9 am–5 pm
- Friday: 9 am–6 pm (College Night, 5–8 pm)
- Saturday: 9 am–1 pm
- Family Badges
Family members of registered attendees may attend for $15 each, as long as they are not also music educators, musicians, or college music students (for children 11 and under, family badges are free and available if the child is present at registration).
- If you purchased family badges when you registered in advance, get them where you obtain your badge (your printed badge will indicate the number you prepurchased).
Onsite purchase:
- If you are paying registration onsite and your family member is with you, you can purchase the badge at that time.
- If preregistered or your family member arrives later, go to the Visitors Booth to make this purchase (family must accompany a TMEA member who has their badge).
Performer Family:
- Available onsite only—Family members of performing group members can attend their group’s concert without a badge. Entrance to the Exhibit Hall does, however, require the purchase of a Family badge, available at the Visitor registration booth for $15 each (FREE for All-State student family members and children 11 and under if the child is present at registration).
Note: Family badges do not grant access to the priority ticket line for All-State concerts.
- First Aid
First Aid is located in the North Lobby under the north escalator (near the Convention Registration entrance). On Saturday, an additional First Aid station will be near West Registration in room CC 1109.
- Wednesday: 8:00 am–10:00 pm
- Thursday: 7:30 am–9:30 pm
- Friday: 7:30 am–10:00 pm
- Saturday: 7:30 am–8:30 pm (North Lobby)
- Saturday: 9:00 am–10:00 pm (West Registration)
- Food at the Convention Center
In addition to options inside the center, multiple food trucks are scheduled to be in Civic Park, which is just beyond the West Lobby, starting on Wednesday, approx. 10 a.m.–7 p.m.
Options & Pricing: All Cafés & Grab & Go stations offer similar options and pricing for premade deli sandwiches, salads, snacks, drinks. Two locations offer hot food items. A single full deli sandwich, salad, or hot item costs $10–$12. Exhibit hall locations are open only during exhibit hall hours. Otherwise, most locations listed below will be open Wednesday–Saturday (morning through evening). Access maps in the app to find the listed locations.
Street Level Cafés
- Market Café in the North Lobby (offers hot items)
- El Puente Café/Coffee station near the West Lobby, just beyond Lila Cockrell Theatre
- Broken Crust Pizza in the hallway between Lila Cockrell Theatre & North Lobby (unique salad/pizza menu)
- Café in the back of Exhibit Hall 2 (offers hot items)
Grab & Go Stations
- River Level: Near CC 007
- Street Level:
- Hallway near the North Lobby from Lila Cockrell Theatre
- Inside the Exhibit Hall near the North Lobby entrance
- Inside the Exhibit Hall near the entrance by Bridge Hall
- Second Floor: Park View Lobby (near CC 214)
- Third Floor: Near CC 303
- Information Booth
The Information Booth is located in the Registration Area. When you walk in from the North Lobby, the Information Booth is in the back of the hall. On Wednesday, pick up and purchase President's Concert tickets. Find answers to questions, Lost & Found items, and the winners of cash drawings.
- Local Discounts
Local establishments offer varying discounts when you show your official TMEA convention badge.
- Lost & Found
Lost & Found is at the Information Booth in Convention Registration off of the North Lobby available during Convention Registration hours. After 1pm on Saturday, go to the North Lobby Info Desk or email membership@tmea.org after the convention.
- Mother's Rooms
Two private Nursing Mother's Rooms are available in the convention center: in room 1212 (accessible from the hallway between the North Lobby and Lila Cockrell) and in Room 2137 (next to CC 215 on 2nd floor south).
- Parking at the Alamodome
Thursday–Saturday, $15 daily parking (cards only) is offered at the Alamodome (on Cherry Street) for entry before 5 pm. The lot will be open beyond this time; however, the city may impose higher parking fees because of other events. For information on the free shuttle, review the Shuttle FAQ below.
- Photo Release Statement
By attending the 2025 Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Clinic/Convention, you consent to being photographed, filmed, and/or recorded. These materials may be used by TMEA for promotional or informational purposes, across various media including web and social media. Your presence implies a waiver of any rights to payment, inspection, or approval of these uses and releases TMEA and its representatives from any related liability.
- President's Concert Tickets
$20 General Admission tickets are available onsite at the Information Booth during Convention Registration hours.
Where to Pick Up Tickets
Tickets must be picked up at the convention center:
- Wednesday, February 12, 1–6 pm: Information Booth Will Call in Convention Registration.
- Wednesday, February 12, 6:30–8 pm: In the hallway beyond the Lila Cockrell Theatre entrance.
Note: Refunds are not available for unclaimed tickets.
- Service Animals
With the exception of service animals (as defined by the ADA), no animals are allowed in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.
For clarification or additional questions, contact Delia Garcia with the San Antonio Convention Center, Delia.garcia@sanantonio.gov.
- Shuttle Service
Free shuttle service between Alamodome Parking Lot B and Convention Center North Lobby:
- Thursday: 7:30 am–10 pm
- Friday: 7:30 am–10 pm
- Saturday: 7:30 am–10 pm
Three shuttle buses will be in service (one will be wheelchair accessible).
- Technology Preconference Badge
This Wednesday-only technology preconference requires a separate registration. Do not go to TMEA Registration for this. Go directly to CC 214 to pick up that badge starting at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. If you didn't preregister, you can pay $50 onsite outside CC 214 for this (no purchase orders).
- Voting for Executive Board
On Thursday and Friday during the convention, eligible TMEA members will vote electronically for President-Elect and Division Vice-Presidents (rotating each year) for offices with more than one nominee. Members do not need to be present at the convention to vote. Visit the election webpage for candidates, eligibility, and voting information.
If you need assistance with your ballot and are at the convention, visit the TMEA Help Desk inside Convention Registration during open hours, or email membership@tmea.org before 5 p.m. Friday.
- Wheelchair/Scooter Rentals
You can rent in advance with Tom's Wheelchair & Scooter Rentals by calling 210-223-7878 or visiting their website. Mention that you are renting for the TMEA convention for a 10% discount. Rentals are located in the North lobby near TMEA Registration.