100+ Performances
Choose from over 100 music performances of choral and instrumental music by elementary through college ensembles and professional music groups. Performances by the best student musicians in our state make this convention an unequaled opportunity for professional development and inspiration.

Concert Details & Schedule
Featured Concerts
View the list of ensembles selected to perform and their planned concert repertoire. Browse concert ensembles.
Convention Preview Magazine
Find performance times in the December magazine, which features a preview of the full convention schedule. View past issues.
Convention App
Go to the Performances section of the app and favorite events you want to add to your schedule. Download the app.
President's Concert
Jason Max Ferdinand Singers
Wednesday, February 12 | 8 PM | Lila Cockrell Theatre
Join us for a night of amazing music and inspiration. Assembled from a diverse group of professionals ranging from award-winning artists to lawyers and professors, this ensemble promises an evening of rich, diverse choral literature that speaks to the soul.
$20 general admission tickets are available onsite or as a convention registration addon. Doors open by 7 p.m.

All-State Concerts
All-State Concert Schedule
Browse the schedule and lineup locations for Saturday’s All-State concerts. View the schedule.
All-State Conductors
Meet the nationally recognized conductors will inspire and educate our All-State students. Meet the conductors.
All-State Repertoire
Explore the remarkable repertoire selected for this year’s All-State concerts. Browse the repertoire list.
Concert Policies
Concert Recordings & Photography
No personal recordings are allowed during any concert. Professional recordings of most concerts (not music showcases) are available through Mark Custom Recordings. To order, visit MarkCustom.com after the convention.
Please respect the experience of all attendees by silencing and putting away all devices and cameras during the musical performance.
All-State Concert Tickets & Entry
Concert Tickets
Each All-State student will receive a set of four concert tickets along with their convention badge on Wednesday. To use these tickets, please arrange to meet your student outside of rehearsal times. Only four tickets are provided per student, and lost tickets cannot be replaced. Note: ATSSB, TCCBDA, and TCCDA concerts do not require tickets.
Priority Concert Entry
Those with All-State Concert Tickets or a TMEA paid convention badge are allowed entry first. Note: Family badges do not grant access to the priority ticket line. For concerts in Lila Cockrell Theatre and Stars at Night Ballroom, attendees may line up no earlier than 1.5 hours before the concert start. Ten minutes prior to the beginning of a concert, if seating is available, admission is open to all.
Late Entry & Exit
After a concert begins, enter and exit only during applause between music selections.
All-State Concert Venue & Line Locations
You may line up no earlier than 1.5 hours before concert start time.
All-State Bands & Orchestras
Go to the band and orchestra concert line location first (in the hall between the theatre and the North Lobby). Concerts are in Lila Cockrell Theatre on the street level.
All-State Choirs
Go to the choir concert line location first (in Hemisfair Ballroom 3). Concerts are in the Stars at Night Ballroom on the 3rd floor on the north side of the center above the Convention Center.
All-State Percussion, Jazz, Mariachi
Go directly to the concert venue. These concerts do not have a line process. The Hemisfair Ballroom is on the 3rd floor on the southeast corner of the convention center (facing the Tower of Americas).
The TCCBDA All-State Wind Symphony concert will be held in Room 217, proceed directly to the concert venue.
Family of Performers
Congratulations on being a family member of a musician performing at the TMEA Clinic/Convention!
To help you plan your trip to San Antonio, review the Performer Family section on the Plan Your Visit page. There, you’ll find guides tailored for families of invited ensemble performers and All-State musicians to ensure you have the best experience at the convention.
Convention Questions?
We’ve got answers. Check out our Convention FAQ for everything you need to know about the TMEA Clinic/Convention.