Booth Sizes, Rates, & Policies

Review essential booth details for exhibitors, including complimentary services, booth application steps, available booth sizes and rates, booth assignment and payment policies.

Complimentary Exhibitor Services
  • 8′ high back drape, 3′ high side drape
  • One 8′ undraped table and two chairs per 100 sq ft purchased
  • Hanging identification sign with company name (except islands)
  • Three personnel badges per 10′ x 10′ booth reserved
  • Perimeter guard service on a 24-hour basis in the exhibit area
  • Listing in the convention program
  • Listing in the convention mobile app, with pin to booth location
  • Listing in TMEA’s online Exhibitor Directory
  • Show logo for promotional use (subject to restrictions)

Review the booth description PDF for more details.

Reserve Your Space

Reserve your booth space at the TMEA Clinic/Convention to connect with thousands of passionate music educators, students, and professionals. Sustaining Membership ($75) is required to exhibit.

Join the Waitlist

Booth Application Steps

Begin Your Application

Exhibit applications open in early September. To begin, (1) answer the membership question, (2) agree to the exhibit terms, (3) add a membership, (4) continue to the shopping cart.

Select Preferred Zones

From the shopping cart, click ‘Add/Edit Booth Products’. Select your top 4 preferred zones from the floorplan and include notes, such as a preference for the same location as last year.

Select Booth Type and Size

Choose your booth type and size. All booth sizes are available in all zones. The exhibits manager will contact you during the booth assignment process to confirm your placement.

Complete Checkout Process

Ensure your company and personal information are accurate. You’ll receive an order confirmation email and a ‘Membership Confirmation’ email with the hotel reservation link.

When selecting your booth, you will review the floorplan and list four preferred zones in order of preference. Instrument Manufacturers/Retailers must select booths within the “Instrument Marketplace” (zones 1-10), which is divided as follows: Soft Instruments (zones 1-4): Strings, woodwinds, and other quieter instruments. Hard Instruments (zones 5-8): Brass, percussion, and louder instruments. Mixed Instruments: If you offer a mix of “hard” and “soft” instruments, choose zones 5-8 or 9-10 (mixed). All other exhibitors may choose from zones 11-28.

Booth Sizes & Rates

Islands Available—Aisles on four sides (island pricing is based on the number of inline booths plus four corners.) No End-Caps will be sold.
Size In-Full Deposit
10×10 Inline Booth $700 $350
10×10 Corner Booth $800 $400
10×20 Booth (2 Corners) $1,600 $800
20×20 Booth $3,200 $1,600
20×30 Booth $4,600 $2,300
20×40 Booth $6,000 $3,000
20×50 Booth $7,400 $3,700
20×60 Booth $8,800 $4,400
20×70 Booth $10,200 $5,100
30×30 Booth $6,700 $3,350
30×40 Booth $8,800 $4,400
30×50 Booth $10,900 $5,450
30×60 Booth $13,000 $6,500
40×40 Booth $11,600 $5,800
40×50 Booth $14,400 $7,200

Booth Policies

Exhibitors must adhere to all exhibit rules and regulations.

Booth Payment Policy

Payment should be submitted via the online booth contract or by mail to:

TMEA Attn: Zachary Gersch
P.O. Box 140465
Austin, TX 78714-0465

  • By November 1, a deposit of 50% of the total cost of your exhibit space plus Sustaining Membership Fee ($75) must accompany your application and will be awarded booth assignment priority points.
  • Beginning November 2, the full payment of your exhibit space plus Sustaining Membership Fee ($75) is due when applications are submitted and will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • By December 30, all payments are due in full.
  • TMEA will retain a non-refundable deposit (one-half the booth price) for cancellations requested in writing on or before January 15. No refund will be granted after this date.
  • TMEA will treat an exhibitor’s downsizing of exhibit space as cancellation of the original exhibit space and purchase of new exhibit space. An exhibitor may be required to move to a new location if requesting a downsizing of exhibit space.
  • If an exhibitor fails to make a payment required by the contract in a timely manner, TMEA may terminate contract and retain all fees paid to date.
  • TMEA reserves the right to refuse exhibitor permission to move in and set up an exhibit if the exhibitor is in arrears of any payment.
  • TMEA may terminate the contract effective upon written notice if the exhibitor breaches any of its obligations under the contract.
  • TMEA is under no obligation to provide resale credit or refund due to default by exhibitor.

Booth Assignment Policy

  • Exhibit space will be assigned by the Exhibits Manager starting October 1.
  • You will receive your booth assignment no earlier than November 1.
  • Applications received after January 1, will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Show Management will make every effort to place exhibitors together ONLY if both exhibitors make this request AND the point system justifies it.
  • Exhibitor-requested changes in booth assignments may be made only with the approval of each exhibitor involved and the TMEA Exhibits Manager.
Priority Points

Assignment will be made according to the exhibitor’s priority points, based on the following four factors:

1. Years Exhibiting: 1 point for each year your entity has exhibited.
2. Number of Booths Requested: 5 points for each booth (10×10) you request for the upcoming convention.
3. Contract Submission Date: Up to 30 points for submitting your contract on or before September 11. After September 11, you’ll lose 1 point each day the submission is delayed (e.g., a September 12 submission earns 29 points, a September 13 submission earns 28 points, and so on).
4. Sponsorship/Partnership: 1 point for every $250 spent on Sponsorships or Partnerships by October 1.

Exhibitor Badge Policy

  • Three complimentary badges will be provided at exhibitor registration per 100 sq. ft. purchased. Additional booth personnel may purchase a badge for $30.
  • All booth attendants must be bona fide employees or clinicians of the exhibiting company.
  • Active music teachers are not eligible for exhibitor badges.
  • Badges may be picked up at Exhibitor Registration during registration hours.
  • Include names of sponsored clinicians with the badge request. These badges do NOT count toward the complimentary badges.
  • Badge requests may be completed online starting in January.
  • Note: No children under 18 years of age allowed on show floor during move-in and/or move-out.

Need Help?

For questions about exhibiting, contact Zachary Gersch.