Job Vacancy Submit

If you have a TMEA account, log in first to save this posting to your account and make viewing and removing job postings easier. Current Active type members get the additional benefit of their submission being instantly approved to appear in the job vacancy search.

Use this form to submit a job vacancy for posting to our online database. Submissions must be confirmed via email before they show up on the website. Job listings expire after 60 days from posting. Please submit a new listing if the vacancy continues.

Job postings are accepted from the public, but do not submit a vacancy unless you are fully authorized to do so!

For assistance with a posting, email Dana Whitmire at

* = Required Fields

Select a single position that best describes the job description.
If the position has a specific name not listed here you can include it in the Comments field, but you must select one of these pre-definied positions.

*Academic Level:
Salary Range:
TMEA Region:
Find your region
We highly reccomend entering this so your posting will appear when job seekers search by region!
*School/District Address:
*School/District City:
*School/District State:
Only positions in Texas will be posted.
*School/District Zip:
School/District Website URL:

A specific Application URL for this job posting is provided below. This link should be how an applicant can find more information about your school/organization.

*Contact Person:
*Contact Person's
*Phone Number:
*Contact Email:

Only school district email addresses will be accepted for district postings (NO,, etc.)
A confirmation email will be sent to this address for verification of this posting.
*Verify Email:

Provide email again to verify correctness.
Instructions for Applying:
Include instructions applicants need to follow to apply for this job. If there is an application link and you would like it hyperlinked on the job posting, put it in the Application URL field below.
Characters Remaining (max 10,000):
Application URL:
Add any additional comments about the job posting here.
Characters Remaining (max 20,000):