Music Education Advocacy Materials

Use the following materials in your advocacy for music education for all students.

Music Changes Lives

These eight videos share compelling personal stories from a variety of perspectives about the power of music education for all. Show them at meetings, concerts, or any event where you have the opportunity (Spanish subtitled versions are available).

Why Choose Music

Download these files to support your recruiting, retention, and advocacy work. Targeted to middle and high school students and their parents, these companion pieces emphasize the valuable benefits of staying in a music program. Each file links to music education advocacy videos targeted to these students and their parents.

Why Choose Music interactive PDF
Why Choose Music PowerPoint presentation (customize final page with your contact info)

How We Learn

Research continues to offer more significant conclusions about the study of music and the development of cognitive abilities.

Academic Success

While studying music for music’s sake is clearly the priority of music education the extended benefits to students’ other academic success shouldn’t be overlooked.

College/Career Preparation

Music education cultivates qualities like collaboration, the ability to listen and connect disparate ideas, the power to think both in the now and several steps ahead, critical-thinking, problem-solving, and confidence and perseverance.

  • State of the Arts: Texas Cultural Trust report on the economic impact of the arts in Texas (2017).
  • Reverse Economics: Case study showing how a district’s decision to reduce the number of music teachers to save money would result in a greater financial burden.

Need Help?

For questions about music education advocacy, contact Joe Muñoz.