Southwestern Musician Submission Guidelines
Members are encouraged to submit to the TMEA office articles on topics relevant to music education. Articles then accepted by the Editorial Committee and Editor will be printed on a space-available basis.
- Articles submitted to Southwestern Musician should be of interest to the general readership. Content of articles may focus on band, choir, orchestra, general music, or research but the information should be relevant for a majority of our members.
- Manuscripts may be inspirational, pedagogical, philosophical, historical, or descriptive in nature.
- We prefer to publish articles that provide readers strategies and information that can be immediately applied in their work. We more readily accept articles that are written from the author’s experience/insights, rather than being dominated by reporting of others’ research.
- Articles submissions should not exceed 1,800 words and should be submitted in MS Word format. Each article should be an entity and not part of a series.
- Articles should include the author’s name and and current teaching position or school if the author is a student.
- Articles appearing in Southwestern Musician are also available online.
Submit articles in MSWord format to: kcross@tmea.org and jmunoz@tmea.org.