TFME Chapter Criteria
TMEA established Texas Future Music Educators (TFME) for students enrolled in Texas schools in grades 9–12 who are interested in becoming music educators.
- One chapter per campus (or school district) may be established and must be sponsored by at least one Active TMEA member.
- Membership shall be open to any student who is certified by a TMEA Active Member director as a participating member of one of the school’s parent musical organizations.
- Chapters should have at least 4 meetings per year, preferably two of which should be in the fall and two in the spring.
- Chapter events should focus on preparing its members for a future in music education at the college-level and beyond as well as offering service to the school’s musical organizations.
- TFME members will be invited to participate at the annual TMEA Convention beginning on Friday.
- A state-wide TFME Meeting, featuring a guest speaker, will be scheduled during the convention.
- Convention housing will be the responsibility of the student and/or chaperone.
- A TFME webpage will be hosted on the TMEA website.
Need Help?
For questions about TFME, contact Kay Vanlandingham.