Invited Choir Ensembles
These requirements may be revised before March 1. Check back for updates. Last update was January 31, 2025.
Below are the requirements and application for our annual clinic/convention concert choir ensembles. Applications and recordings must be submitted online by 11:59 pm (CDT), April 1 for College/University groups, and 11:59 pm (CDT), May 1 for Middle School/High School groups.
Selected ensembles will be included on the Convention Concert Ensembles page.
- The director must be an Active member of TMEA.
- The ensemble must represent a school located in the State of Texas.
- The director must have taught the ensemble a minimum of three years and must submit examples from at least two different academic years to be selected from 2022-23, 2023-24 or 2024-25.
One recording must be from 2024-25 and one recording must be an A Cappella (unaccompanied) performance. - A choir will not be eligible if there is a change of directors between the time of entry and the time of the TMEA performance. The director must notify the State Vocal Chair if a change occurs.
- A campus, including all ensemble types, will not be eligible to apply for the following three years after their performance at the TMEA convention.
Entry Requirements
- Applications and recordings must be submitted online by 11:59 pm (CDT), April 1 for College/University, and 11:59 pm (CDT), May 1 for Middle School/High School.
- Uploading recordings will take time. Start the upload process before 9 p.m. on your deadline date listed above.
- The printed application must include the signature of the primary director with the permission of the school principal or the college/univerisity dean.
- The following ensembles are eligible for consideration:
- Mixed Choir
- Treble Choir
- Tenor-Bass Choir
- The following school levels are eligible:
- Middle School
- Junior High
- High School Non-Varsity
- High School Varsity
- College
- University
- The following classifications are eligible:
- 1C
- 2C
- 3C
- 3B
- 1A
- 2A
- 3A
- 4A
- 5A
- 6A
Recording Requirements
- Total time for MS/JH and HS submissions must be no less than 10 or more than 15 minutes in length. Total time for College/University submissions must be no less than 15 minutes and no more than 30 minutes in length.
- There should be no verbal identification on the performance tracks.
- 5 recorded tracks will be uploaded for College/University submissions to TMEA through the online application process. Only 3 recorded tracks are required for MS/JH and HS submissions to TMEA through the online application process, with the option of uploading up to 5 recorded tracks.
- At least one selection must be an A Cappella (unaccompanied) performance.
- Submissions must be taken from a live concert recording during the 2022-23, 2023-24 or 2024-25 school years. At least two or three different academic years must be represented in the submissions and one recording must be from 2024-25.
- List of all titles, composers, arrangers, length of tracks and dates of performances must be submitted online.
- 7. Any engineering, editing, or tampering in any way with the recording after the performance is not allowed, with the following exceptions:
- Submitted recordings may be edited to eliminate audience applause.
- Submitted recordings may be edited to match volume from track to track.
- Submitted recordings should be edited to remove any verbal identification of school/campus, ensemble, or director.
- Submitted recordings may be edited to eliminate excess time between movements of a multi-movement work. However, it is expected that songs or movements are submitted in their entirety, minus extended introductions where there is no singing. The submitted selection will be a continues recording, containing all interludes within the selection.
- Acceptable recording formats for upload:
- m4a (AAC-LC); Sample rate: 48000 Hz; Stereo; Bitrate: 256 kbps, constant
- mp3; Sample rate: 48000 Hz; Stereo; Bitrate: 256 kbps, constant
- WAV (Uncompressed); Sample rate: 44,100 Hz; Stereo; 16-Bit (required)
Selection Process
- The TMEA Vocal Division Vice-President will select a Middle School and a High School committee of 3 to 5 members from around the State. (Note: Directors with submitted entries will not be allowed to serve on the adjudication panel).
- There will be two rounds for adjudication utilizing the Invited Choirs Rubric.
- Round 1- The committee will listen to and rank all submitted recording susing an anonymous listening process. Proposed programs will not be considered in this round. After tabulation of all the committee members’ rankings, a cut will be made and those choirs making the cut will advance to round 2.
- Round 2- A different committee will be given the recordings and the submitted program of the semi-finalist choirs. Each committee member will use the recording and the submitted program to rank the semi-finalist choirs using the same anonymous listening process as round 1. Proposed programs will also be considered by each committee member at this time. Once each committee member has completed their individual rankings of the semi-finalists, the committee will assemble for open discussion and determine a final ranking to be submitted to the Vocal Division Vice-President.
- An effort will be made to include ensembles from as many classifications and geographic locations as possible.
- Because this is not a competition, no written comments, rubrics or point totals will be provided to the applicants.
- The State Vocal Chair will personally notify the college/university choirs invited to perform for the convention by April 16.
- The middle and high school choirs invited to perform for the convention will be posted on the TMEA website by May 21.
Application Process/Steps
- Online application process will open March 1. Application button will appear below.
- The online application form must be printed and include the signature of the head director of the program and the campus principal/college or university dean.
- Primary conductor and choir bios (125 words each) must be included in the application.
- Additional conductors may be included in the online application.
- A proposed program for performance for the TMEA 2026 conference must be included in the application.
- Include title, composer, and approximate performance time in minutes and seconds.
- College/University - The total program time may not exceed 35 minutes including entrance, exit, and applause.
- MS/HS - The total program time may not exceed 25 minutes including entrance, exit, and applause.
- A program with a variety of styles from various eras is highly suggested.
- Only one manuscript (unpublished) piece or commissioned selection may be included. Commissioned pieces should not be listed on the proposed program unless a title, text and composer/arranger have been selected. ie. Listing “Commissioned Selection” is not acceptable for the submission process.
- The proposed program will be considered only in the second round of judging. Directors of invited ensembles are expected to maintain up to 75% the proposed program for their performance.
- A letter from the school superintendent (or designee) for school ensembles, or music school dean for college ensembles stating the ensemble will be allowed to perform at the TMEA Convention should they be selected.
- Print and sign the application form, then digitally upload the application form to TMEA on the website application.
- Deadline to complete the application process including the signed application and audio file uploads is 11:59 pm (CDT), April 1 for College/University, and 11:59 pm (CDT), May 1 for Middle School/High School.
Need Help?
For more information, contact the TMEA State Vocal Chair.
Need Help?
For more information, contact the TMEA State Vocal Chair.