Sustaining & Institutional Members
Sustaining Membership
Sustaining Membership is open to organizations including booster clubs and business or other entities, as well as out-of-state colleges and universities. Upon payment of the prescribed state dues, Sustaining Membership shall entitle the organization to a one-year subscription for Southwestern Musician. Sustaining Membership is required for all exhibitors at the annual Clinic/Convention and is $75 annually.
Learn more about TMEA Exhibits.
Institutional Membership
Institutional Membership is open to Texas colleges and universities who wish to support TMEA activities by payment of the prescribed dues. (This is not for individuals—learn more about Active Membership for an individual membership.) Institutional Membership shall include a one-year subscription to Southwestern Musician. Institutional Membership in TMEA is $55 annually. If you aren’t exhibiting but wish to create an Institutional Membership, contact Zachary Gersch.
College Exhibits: Institutional Membership is automatically added to College Exhibit booth applications. Learn more about College Exhibits.